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Young People, Stop Acting So Gay

I made a comment last week about “ex-gay” Christian celebrities who still identify as (celibate) homosexuals and who, frankly, still act gay. You know what I’m talking about…they are light in the loafers, limp in the wrists, smooth in the elbows, plays for the other team, queer as a three dollar bill. I’m talking Jonathan … Read more

MacArthur Launches Second Salvo Against Social Justice

After eagerly waiting for the elder theologian to enter the fray on the topic of Social Gospel, deceitfully renamed Social Justice, Dr. John MacArthur waded into the controversy last week with his first article on the subject. He was quickly maligned as being a white supremacist, as “fighting ghosts,” and was accused of “attacking racial … Read more

Is Southern Seminary a Dangerous Place for Minorities?

Victimology is the invention of Critical Race Theorists and Cultural Marxists, designed to oppress minority groups by making them identify with victimhood, which only results in stifling their innate genius, resolve, and ambition to better their own condition. By identifying as victims, even when there is no real victimhood, the division between identity groups grows … Read more

SBC Messengers Angry at VP Pence Invite, But Were Silent About 2015 Hillary Clinton Invitation

The informal theme of the 2018 Southern Baptist Convention annual meeting was supposed to be “wokeness,” an awareness of Social Justice and the supposed importance of its various Marxist implications. The SBC-sponsored veneration of Martin Luther King Jr – a man of dubious theological beliefs and abysmal moral character – at the MLK50 event leading … Read more

Joe Thorn To Take Part in Cultural Marxism/Critical Race Theory Event

Tatting up his knuckles with “1689,” the year of the Second London Baptist Confession of Faith, Joe Thorn cemented himself as the token representative of old-school Reformed Baptists for a new generation. The bearded hipster, who advertises his cigar and alcohol choices like George Whitefield proclaimed the Gospel, is popular among New Calvinists, the large subset of … Read more

SBTS Student Leader Says Accusation of “Marxist” is Another Way to Call Someone N*gg**

Kyle J. Howard is a student at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary (SBTS) who identifies only as black, although he is of equally white ancestry. Fashioning himself as a champion of the downtrodden, oppressed, disenfranchised, and underprivileged, Howard was raised by two attorneys in an upper-class home in an affluent area of Atlanta. Howard has spent the … Read more

New Calvinists Consider Ecumenical Council on Racial Justice

Make no mistake about it. The Reformed Resurgence – the return of Calvinism back to prominence in western Christianity in the last few decades – has been co-opted and commandeered by leftists who have determined to use the movement to accomplish their progressive agenda. What the Communist Party once succeeded in doing in the American … Read more