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Are the ERLC and TGC Merging into One?

There are two primary engines driving the popularity of Social Justice into the heart of quasi-conservative evangelicalism. Once bulwarks for a solid Biblical worldview and stalwart defenders of the Gospel, both organizations have experienced serious mission drift in recent years. Both organizations have developed a penchant for terminology from the social progressive lexicon, like “racial … Read more

Polemics Terms: Evangelical Intelligentsia

DEFINITION The Evangelical Intelligentsia are those who purport to be smarter or more distinguished academically than most local church leaders. Typically, the Evangelical Intelligentsia consists of those not in exclusive ministry to local churches, serving instead academic institutions or parachurch ministries. HISTORY Peter Berger coined that phrase in The Emerging Evangelical Intelligentsia Research Project done for … Read more

The Blood of Innocent Children on the Hands of the Church

Abortion is by far the most heinous crime against humanity to ever exist. Over 58 million children in the United States have been slaughtered at the hands of bloodworkers since 1973, and nearly 1.5 billion worldwide. The level of human depravity amassed at a single murder facility, between the workers and the patients, is beyond incomprehensible, and … Read more

Phil Johnson, Thabiti, and SBC Voices

SBC Voices is a place for regurgitated ideas, unoriginal thoughts, Southern Baptist scuttlebutt in the form of pumped sunshine, and a nearly endless droning on of denomination optimism, oblivious to the doctrinal downgrade and corruption that’s common place in America’s largest evangelical denomination. With material from well-meaning guest posters like this polemicist’s own big brother (link) … Read more

The Black History of Ron Simmons and Ron Burns: Thabiti Anyabwile Advocates for Bernie Sanders

“By any means necessary.” The Nation of Domination On August 2, 1992, native Georgian and former NFL football player turned pro-wrestler Ron Simmons made history by defeating Big Van Vader to become the first ever black WCW heavyweight champion.   Simmons would go on to enjoy a long career in Pro Wrestler, eventually being inducted into … Read more

Animal Rights Groups See Karen Swallow Prior as Important Ally, Back in 2007

…there is much for me, as an anti-abortion activist, to respect in the animal rights movement. – Karen Swallow Prior (The Liberal Case Against Abortion, pg 63 source link) Karen Swallow Prior, who serves on the “faith advisory board” of the radical Humane Society with Islamic imams, Jewish rabbis, and others (source link) in order … Read more

Who Are the Evangelical Intelligentsia?

If you have followed Pulpit & Pen for any amount of time, you’ve heard or seen me use the phrase, “Evangelical Intelligentsia.” The first time I used that term was on Twitter in response to Manhattan Declaration director and ecumenist, Eric Teetsel, in response to his defense of Ed Stetzer’s peddling of heresy and his subsequent … Read more

"Moore" fellowship with darkness.

By now, everyone knows that Russell Moore, president of the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention, leans socially progressive. Moore has, on multiple occasions, partnered with left-leaning organizations on behalf of the SBC in order to advance political, as well as theological, positions through government. Moore is well known for his collaboration with the apostate Roman Catholic church in his endeavors to promote traditional marriage, anti-abortion legislation, and more. So it comes as no surprise that Moore is now joining forces with the liberal Baptist denomination, The Cooperative Baptist Fellowship, in order to push for legislation banning predatory lending habits by pay-day lenders.

‘Moore’ Fellowship with Darkness.

By now, everyone knows that Russell Moore, president of the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention, leans socially progressive. Moore has, on multiple occasions, partnered with left-leaning organizations on behalf of the SBC in order to advance political, as well as theological, positions through government. Moore is well known for his collaboration with the … Read more

Homosexual Mayor Buttigieg Finding It Hard to Hustle the Black Evangelical Vote

Pete Buttigieg is the homosexual mayor of South Bend, Indiana, who is running for president on the Democratic ticket. Like Hillary Clinton and Jimmy Carter, Buttigieg claims to be an evangelical Christian while adopting a political platform that is little more than a list of things God hates. Buttigieg is also trying to hustle the … Read more

“SBC Today” Finally Dies

The Not-So-Traditionalists, who claim to have a “traditional” Southern Baptist understanding of salvation but have in actuality adopted a rather new and novel 20th Century hodgepodge of Semi-Pelagianism, used SBC Today as its flagship blog for about as long as Pulpit & Pen has existed. In the beginning, there were a bevy of anti-Calvinist SBC … Read more

Rowland Springs Baptist Church and the Demonic Cult of Freemasonry: Part Three – The Snake Bites

The following article is the third of a three part testimony about my experience with the cult of Freemasonry at my former church, Rowland Spring Baptist Church.  Rowland Springs Baptist Church is a Southern Baptist Church in Cartersville, Georgia and is a part of the Georgia Baptist Convention and Bartow Baptist Association.  Part One can be … Read more

This entry is part 30 of 31 in the series Freemasonry

A Local Disaster: County Baptist Association Calls on David Barton

My grandfather was a World War II veteran.  He was a part of the 10th Mountain Division, which fought the Axis Powers in Italy.  He was a gregarious storyteller and relayed to our family more than a few humorous tales of his wartime service.  If my grandfather had traumatic experiences during the war he did … Read more

Rowland Springs Baptist Church and the Demonic Cult of Freemasonry: Part Two – Stepping on the Snake

The following article is the second of a three part testimony about my experience with the cult of Freemasonry at my former church, Rowland Spring Baptist Church.  Rowland Springs Baptist Church is a Southern Baptist Church in Cartersville, Georgia and is a part of the Georgia Baptist Convention and Bartow Baptist Association. Defending the Faith I … Read more

This entry is part 28 of 31 in the series Freemasonry