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Jerry Falwell Jr. Looking to be Repaid for His Donald Trump Campaigning

Jerry Falwell, president of the flagship Southern Baptist university, Liberty University, and one of Donald Trump’s loudest evangelical supporters, is now seeking repayment for all of his efforts in helping Trump land the job of the nation’s leader. The Richmond Times-Dispatch reports that Falwell has expressed interest in serving a prominent role in the Education Department … Read more

Enchanted and Ensnared by Music

One of the biggest heretics of Church History was a scholar in the 200s named Arius. Arius’s heresy was a denial of the divinity of Jesus. He taught that only the Father was God and that Jesus was merely a creation of God. This heresy was clear and is one of the most blatant examples … Read more

Heaven is For Real – Polemical Review

Heresies taught in this book (click the links to find out more) include: Montanism Mysticism  Reviews Before explaining why Heaven is For Real, in particular, teaches heresy, please take the time to watch this video from our friend, Justin Peters, discussing “Heaven Tourism.” Regarding Heaven is For Real, Pulpit & Pen writes… Now, keep in … Read more

Together 2016 – Yes, It’s Still A Problem

The Together 2016 gathering on the National Mall July 16 had a grand ambition. According to its website, “Moments of historic change are often marked by historic gatherings.” While this can certainly be validated throughout the annals of history within social, cultural, and political arenas, it seems less so within the spiritual one. Indeed, the greatest … Read more

Louisiana College: Aguillard Fired!

**Editor’s note – This post was written by Rondall Reynoso and appeared first at Faith on View. It has been a long time since I wrote about Louisiana College. It has been just over a year and a half. I am writing today because there are developments that essentially put an end to a long and … Read more

Ding Dong. The Onomy is Dead.

I wrote Embers of a Dying Fire to explain my post-debate thoughts relating to last year’s theonomy debate with Joel McDurmon. Our debate, unlike the the 1988 Hunt-Ice/Demar-North debate that focused on eschatology, centered on the core issue in theonomy. The resolutions was, “The Mosaic Civil Laws Are Obligatory for Today,” and struck at the seminal, … Read more

Book Review: Magnificent Obsession (with Roman Catholicism)

malignant [mah-lig´nant] tending to become progressively worse and to result in death;[source] MALIGNANT OBSESSION WITH ROMAN CATHOLICISM David Robertson, the author of Magnificent Obsession: Why Jesus is Great, has a malignant obsession with Roman Catholicism that will become progressively worse and result in certain eternal death unless he repents. David Robertson is a pope-promoting wolf in Reformed … Read more

Ed Stetzer: Are Powerball Winnings Filthy Lucre?

Christians should strive to avoid what the Bible calls “filthy lucre” (1 Timothy 3:3, 1 Peter 5:2). Filthy lucre, as the King James calls it (or shameful gain as the ESV has it) amounts to financial increase, money or payment that has come through less-than-godly means. The nationwide Powerball lottery could reach as high as … Read more

Why I Put My Flag at Half-Mast…and why you should think about joining me

“Things are about to change. It’s show-time.” – Todd Friel Todd Friel joined me for breakfast on June 26, and broke from conversation long enough to check his phone. He received a text message that the Supreme Court had spoken on the issue of gay marriage. He, myself, and another brother at the table were … Read more

The Cooperative Program and the Road to Serfdom by G. Seth Dunn, MAcc, CPA

PREFACE  I’m a Baptist of Baptists.  I wasn’t baby-dedicated at my church on the 8th day, but it was done within a few weeks.  I grew up in a Southern Baptist church in a family that faithfully gave.  As a carefree middle-class youth, I never knew how much was given but it made an impression … Read more

Reformation Montana Conference ONE MONTH Away

Reformation Montana is only ONE MONTH AWAY – June 25-27. You do NOT want to miss it. TRUST US. Speakers include Todd Friel of Wretched Radio, Phil Johnson of Grace to You, Mike Abendroth of No Compromise Radio, Chris Rosebrough of Pirate Christan Radio. You can register online at this link. The conference will be … Read more

Don’t Forget to Register for Reformation Montana 2015

I want to extend a personal invite to everyone for Reformation Montana 2015. This is our fourth year for “the greatest little conference” in America. Way up here in the middle of Montana, where the prairie and mountains meet in Billings, we will meet again June 25-27. Since starting in 2012, we’ve had speakers Paul … Read more

A Few Words from Todd Friel For Reformation Montana 2015

The theme of this year’s conference is “The Church.” You don’t want to miss it! Speakers include Phil Johnson, Todd Friel, Mike Abendroth, Chris Rosebrough, JD Hall and Gene Clyatt. Dates: June 25-27 Location: Holiday Inn and Convention Center, Billings MT Price: $35 per person, 12 & up (12 and below, free).* This covers registration … Read more