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Mohler: The Compromise to Lead

Al Mohler’s theology is stellar. Al Mohler’s character is beyond reproach. And yet, I said in Monday’s episode of the Pulpit & Pen Program that if Al Mohler launches first thing Monday morning with a rebuke to Danny Cortez of the New Heart Community Church that I’ll have to put him in the Daily Downgrade … Read more

It is Time to Leave the Louisiana Baptist Convention

“Christian love has its claims, and divisions are to be shunned as grievous evils; but how far are we justified in being in confederacy with those who are departing from the truth? It is a difficult question to answer so as to keep the balance of the duties. For the present it behooves believers to … Read more

Of Course Abolition Is Not The Gospel

Tony Miano recently wrote an article titled “Abortion Abolition is Not the Gospel“. As far as that goes, we agree with Miano: abolition is not the Gospel. We have said the same thing ourselves on numerous occasions. We are Gospel-centered, and as we have explained to our critics before, we believe that the work of … Read more

Christians Don’t Need Secular Therapists And Psychologists

I recently found myself embroiled in a skirmish with some people in regards to the usefulness of secular counseling and psychotherapy to the Christian believer. Specifically it was with a Pastor who was saying that he recommended those in his flock who were experiencing anxiety, depression, and various distresses to go see a secular counselor. … Read more

Ergun Caner Can Prove All Detractors Wrong And Exonerate Himself In 3…..2…..1

[Contributed by special Twitter friend @Caner_Repent] I find the whole controversy surrounding Ergun Caner embarrassing and I can’t wait for it to be over. So in the interest of ushering the controversy to a speedy conclusion, I want to challenge Ergun Caner and his supporters to end it once and for all. The issue is … Read more

The Shallow Stream of Southern Baptist Semi-Pelagianism

Tim Guthrie is a Connect 316 board member and is the pastor of Arlington Baptist Church in Knoxville, Tennessee. Tim Guthrie is also on the nominating committee for the Southern Baptist Convention. As I challenge his recent post on Calvinism below, please be aware that Guthrie has a role in nominating Southern Baptists to posts … Read more

Pulpit Notes

Pulpit Notes is the weekly post where JD cites information or links to material that he’s discussed on The Pulpit & Pen Program. This post will be added to throughout the week, as JD brings up new stuff he wants you to have access to. Monday’s Episode – Sye Ten Bruggencate; check out Sye’s website … Read more

Was Jesus An Illegal Immigrant?

Yesterday evening Democrats in the U.S. Senate pushed through a budget bill to the disappointment of some Republicans.  The bill according to The Daily Caller included a loophole that would allow illegal immigrants to acquire welfare benefits. The bill also imposes cuts on retired military members’ pensions.   Sen. Jeff Session(Alabama Republican) along with other Republicans … Read more

Pastor Calls for Repentance of the Montana Southern Baptist Convention and leadership, Withdraws from the Executive Board

Sadly, another Montana pastor has had to resign his post after his calls for the MTSBC leadership to repent have gone unheeded. There are more than just a handful of pastors who have privately and publicly called for Dr. Fred Hewitt’s repentance or his removal, although each time they are defeated and ignored they are … Read more

Confusion in Anti-Calvinist Criticism

Bob Hadley posted an article at his website, SBC Issues, posing/answering a question concerning the notion of Free Will. Hadley’s article is a good reminder that much of the criticism toward Calvinism not only is confused concerning the tenets of Calvinism, but toward a basic and Biblical Ordo Salutis – and for that matter, confusion … Read more