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Lutheran Student Pastor and Husband Deported to Colombia by ICE, Despite Living in a Sanctuary City

On a recent Wednesday morning, Betty Rendón Madrid was still in her pajamas and making breakfast when immigration agents showed up at her home on Chicago’s South Side. U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents arrested Rendón Madrid, a student pastor at an Evangelical Lutheran church in southern Wisconsin, along with her husband, Carlos Hincapie Giraldo. … Read more

Trucks not Trains. Incineration Plants instead of Ovens. Systematic Murder of the Unborn

Editor’s Note: The holocaust of our time has become little more than business as usual. From the abortionists like Planned Parenthood’s sale of body parts to the final incineration of the remaining deemed useless bits and pieces of unwanted children in this country. A well oiled machine, a “back-room” system exists from start to finish … Read more

Vatican Tries to Reign In Trafficking of Saints’ Body Parts

    For hundreds of years, the Vatican has been trafficking in the body parts of corpses, raising funds with the nearly endless sales of the remnants of supposed saints. Those body parts harvested not for auction in the Romish church, instead have been put on display (and occasionally on tour) with indulgences handed out … Read more

Stevie Flockhart, 901, and the Next Season: Part 2

This is part 2 of a multipart series on the pastoral career of Stevie Flockhart of 901 Church in Memphis, Tennessee. Part 1 can be found here. In 2016, SonCoast Church in Boca Raton, Florida was looking for a new pastor, a younger one. As an aging church, Soncoast hoped hiring a young pastor would … Read more

Ain’t Gonna Play Sun City Baptist Church

In 1985 a group of popular musical acts calling themselves Artists United Against Apartheid released the song Sun City. Sun City was a resort in the internationally unrecognized and nominally independent state of Bophuthatswana, which was created by South Africa 1977 as a part of its system of apartheid. Despite the lucrative opportunities available to … Read more

Jackie Hill Perry: Enneagram is “Demonic”

In a recent video posted through Instagram, Jackie Hill Perry decried the Enneagram as “demonic”. Not only did Perry condemn the Enneagram in the strongest possible terms, she apologized for using her platform to promote it in the past. View this post on Instagram A post shared by Jesenia Fleurey (@jeseniafleurey) Since Perry is a … Read more

The Worst Christian of 2020

This entry is part 7 of 11 in the series Worst Christian of the Year

Who is the worst Christian of 2020? On the surface, this seems like a foolish or even pharisaical question. The fact of the matter is that there are none worthy to stand righteous before God except his perfect son, the Lord Jesus Christ. Every believer struggles with sin every day and will continue to do … Read more

It’s Time for Churches Who Shut Down During a Crisis to Repent

A recent study shows that the only group that hasn’t mentally suffered during COVID-19 has been regular church-goers. Largely, what Christians have discovered from the Great Coronavirus Panic of 2020 is that most churches don’t believe they offer essential services. And I’m likely to agree with them. In total, 93% of churches recognized the Civil … Read more

Todd White Says God’s in Bed with you Watching Porn, Wants to be your ‘Climax’

In a clip that’s certainly worth a ‘viewer discretion is advised,’ Todd White made some startling claims about God’s intention towards humanity, saying that the infinitely holy and perfect God, the Lord of Lords, desires to be the equivalent of his creation’s sexual climax. For a brief time, many had thought the notorious heretic had … Read more

Pastor Eric Mason Blames ‘White Foolishness’ for Black People not being Saved, says ‘Whiteness has Caused Blindness of Heart’

Eric Mason, pastor of Epiphany Fellowship Church in Philadelphia and author of ‘Woke Church‘  resumed right where he left off from his bombastic sermon last week when he demanded 200 years of reparations for black folk, with a new sermon that blames “being under white foolishness” for the reason some Black people aren’t saved, which … Read more

TGC’s Thabiti Anyabwile Wants the ‘barking-when-a-white-man-speaks-out-of-turn’ thing to Happen

The Gospel Coalition’s Thabiti Anyabwile revealed more of his true feelings and depravity of his heart when engaged in some highly racial, low-brow humor that would have him howling if a white person ever said it. To familiarize yourself with Anyabwile, the pastor has used his social media platforms to lobby for the restriction of Americans’ Second … Read more

The Gospel Coalition Compares Kyle Rittenhouse to Mass shooter Dylan Roof

The Gospel Coalition, seemingly on a suicide mission to shed whatever last vestiges it had as a credible gospel-centered organization, released an article by member Dr. K. Edward Copeland that compared the actions of 17-year Kyle Rittenhouse who shot three assailants in self-defense in Kenosha, to the Charleston Church shooter Dylan Roof. The post, which … Read more

Kyle Rittenhouse and Biblical Self Defense

We should all be so blessed as to have a son like Kyle Rittenhouse. If only we were all so worthy of young men like him, our land would be richly blessed. That there is pervasive moral unclarity regarding his actions and by some evangelicals, even a maligning of his character, speaks of the failure … Read more

Official Twitter Account of PCUSA Posts Anti-White Messages In ‘Awakening To Structural Racism’ Series

The PCUSA, eternally competing with the ELCA and United Methodist Church to reach the bottom of the Woke Barrel, tweeted out a series of posts over the last week, haranguing members into white-shaming themselves and embracing all the bile the Blackstabbing movement known as Black Lives Matter has to offer. The church tweeted on Wednesday … Read more