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What Does it Take to Get Banned from Twitter? Facts: ‘Women aren’t Men’

[Martin M. Barillas | LifeSiteNews] Feminist writer Meghan Murphy has filed a lawsuit against Twitter because she was banned by the social media giant after she criticized so-called transgender people. A Canadian, Murphy frequently writes on gender politics and is the founder of Feminist Current, an influential feminist website. In 2017, she spoke before the Senate of … Read more

“A Welcoming Place to Come Out”: Evangelical University Accomodates LGBTQ

[John Longhurst | RNS] When the administration of Azusa Pacific University dropped the section of its student code of conduct that banned same-sex relationships last August, reaction was swift. American Christian media and church leaders were quick to accuse the evangelical school of caving to societal pressure and compromising its Christian identity. The response prompted … Read more

Collegiate Christian “Urbana Conference” Apologizes for Christianity

With more than ten thousand young people gathered at a conference sponsored by InterVarsity, true Christianity was replaced with the Social Gospel and an apology video was given on behalf of Christianity for all the world’s ills. Lauding the secularist #MeToo movement and its pseudo-religious version, the #ChurchToo movement, the narrator goes on to attack … Read more

Is it Time to Bring Back the Black Robes?

The vestment, robe, or cassock used to be all the rage in Protestant evangelicalism. Although associated with Catholicism in the minds of American Christians, the historical reality is that the garment was called the “Geneva Gown.” It developed among the Reformers of Western Europe who rejected the dress of the Papist clergy, but whose preachers … Read more

FreeMasons Spearhead Effort to Gather Children’s Bio-Data, DNA

This entry is part 31 of 31 in the series Freemasonry

  It sounds conspiratorial, no doubt. But sometimes the truth is stranger than fiction. As though the Freemasons weren’t creepy enough, they’re sponsoring a program to help collect the bio-data of children and store it away for future reference. Nothing to see here, Citizen. Move along. The program is called MoChip, and it’s designed as … Read more

Church of The Red Kettle: Is God Just A Highly Effective Fundraising Tool? (Salvation Army Part Two)

“There is no limit to how complicated things can get, on account of one thing always leading to another.” E. B. White E.B. White’s observation of the obvious is assuredly the case when looking at the goings-on of The Salvation Army. Things get very complicated when trying to determine exactly what the Army is and … Read more

Four Blood Moons – A Polemical Review

Heresies Present Within this Book Mysticism Dual Covenant Theology Montanism Reviews Many respected scholars and evangelical leaders and polemicists have spoken out about the flatly unbiblical, mystic and astrological teachings of this book. Tim Challies Hagee misuses Scripture. Hagee routinely misuses Scripture as he draws out his prophecies. He appears to read the Bible literally … Read more

Roman Catholics: Canonizing The Damned

On Sunday, September 4, 2016, Pope Francis will oversee a papal mass and canonization service for Mother Teresa. Upon completion, she will be known as Saint Teresa of Calcutta to millions of Roman Catholics and affectionate adorers worldwide.  The event falls on the anniversary eve of her death 19 years ago. There can be little … Read more

Under This Sign Conquer: James White and ReformCon

For years now, Pulpit & Pen has been writing articles about the dangers of associating with false or unorthodox teachers on the conference speaking circuit.  Pulpit & Pen contributors have written so many articles about unwise partnerships that it almost doesn’t make sense to link to them in order to provide examples.  Do I link … Read more

Pittsburg & Azusa: What’s News and What’s Not

“They went out from us, but they were not really of us; for if they had been of us, they would have remained with us; but they went out, so that it would be shown that they all are not of us.” 1 John 2:19 In June 2016, the Pittsburg Theological Seminary is holding a conference entitled “Being Church.”  … Read more

NAMB Runs Roughshod Over Baptists

A number of years ago, the Big Sky Baptist Association – my association – called for the resignation of its executive director, Fred Hewitt. Hewitt, since retired, had told numerous bald-faced lies relating to the North American Mission Board’s disrespect to local cooperating churches. Essentially, the North American Mission Board wanted to hire “church planters” for the … Read more

Sundays are for Sabbath Rest

[Editor’s Note: Some P&P Contributors hold to the 1689 Confession, some are Calvinistic dispensationalists that do not, and one rowdy contributor isn’t even a Calvinist – the horror. We may not all agree on the sabbatarian nature of the Lord’s Day, but we would all like you to enjoy this day of rest and worship … Read more