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SBC Pastor Insinuates That God Should Strike Dead Christians Who Don’t Affirm Homosexuality

We recently reported on a prayer rally put on by FBC Orlando, pastored by David Uth, that included having homosexuals take the stage, and twist Scripture to promote their agenda and demand acceptance. This sparked an outcry among conservative evangelicals who believe this act was nothing more than an affirmation of a sinful lifestyle that … Read more

SBC Prez Invites Cult Member to Pray At His Church – Calls Him “Brother in Christ”

This is part two of our series on the new Southern Baptist President, Steve Gaines, titled Seven days of Gaines. Yesterday, we covered Laodicea’s Bellevue’s choir putting on an Elvis show for Fox News. Today, we’re showing you how Steve Gaines deceptively affirms a cult, known as Seventh Day Adventism, and allows one of their members to … Read more

Christian Missionary Alliance Church Hosts Ramadan Meal, Members Pray Toward Mecca

The Rockyview Alliance Church, which advertises “seeking, awaiting, soaking, and healing” on its website, is a member of the Christian Missionary Alliance (CMA). The CMA is known as a relatively orthodox denomination, founded in 1887 by A.B. Simpson. Simpson’s denomination (albeit they denied such a term) was closely associated at first with the Pentecostal and … Read more

A Christian Apologetic for Reactions to the Orlando Massacre

In the wake of the tragic slaughter and maiming of over 100 people human beings at the Pulse Nightclub in Orlando, Florida by a young Muslim claiming allegiance to ISIS, Christians must be prepared to make a defense for their faith.  In both Christian and Muslim theology, homosexuality is considered an abominable sin.  Under (Muslim) Sharia Law, those … Read more

Should Christians Engage in Religious Debate on Social Media?

I often hear people say that social media isn’t the place for proclaiming Jesus, or debating God’s Word. Even well-meaning Christians will overlook the potential mission field known as social media, and reject it is a viable platform for evangelism. The problem is, though, the world belongs to social media. Can we ignore this reality? … Read more

40 Harmful Effects of Christianity #19 – People Believe the World is About to End

This entry is part 18 of 32 in the series 40 Harmful Effects of Christianity

“Therefore be on the alert, for you do not know which day your Lord is coming.” Jesus This post is the nineteenth in a series that addresses a list of “40 harmful effects of Christianity” that originated on the American Atheists Facebook page and has since made its way around the internet. In this post, I … Read more

Jen Hatmaker Affirms LGBT “Christians”

According to Jen Hatmaker’s friend Doug, she would be the result of a procreative union between George Carlin and Beth Moore.  According to Beth Moore, Jen Hatmaker is a Bible teacher and communicator with whom she is “honored beyond words” to serve.  According to Jen Hatmaker, the church should stop excluding “gaybees.”  According to me, … Read more

Christine Caine: Propel (Heresy To) Women

For such persons do not serve our Lord Christ, but their own appetites, and by smooth talk and flattery they deceive the hearts of the naïve. — Rom. 16:18 In January 2015, “Pastrix” Christine Caine, along with an evidently subservient husband, started a “ministry” called Propel Women. The tagline for this “ministry” is “Celebrating Every … Read more

Together Again: Beth Moore & Christine Caine – Outraging the Spirit of Grace?

“And many false prophets will arise and lead many astray.”   Matthew 24:11 She promotes contemplative prayer. She teaches the Bible by narcigetical eisegetics. She gets revelations. As Elizabeth Prata points out, at The End Time blog, Jesus calls her “honey, babe, kiddo and other terms of intimate endearment.” Malcontent with these mere heresies, now, it … Read more

40 harmful effects of Christianity #18 – Children Memorizing Religious Texts

This entry is part 17 of 32 in the series 40 Harmful Effects of Christianity

“The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge; Fools despise wisdom and instruction.” Proverbs 1:17 This post is the eighteenth in a series that addresses a list of “40 harmful effects of Christianity” that originated on the American Atheists Facebook page and has since made its way around the internet. In this post, I examine … Read more

Southern Baptist Pastor Calls Cult Member an Intelligent, Committed Christian

This isn’t about politics. In fact, I’m disgustingly tired and bored with politics. At this point, I really couldn’t care any less who wins the upcoming presidential election, because all the candidates are losers. However, it’s a major problem when a pastor who purports to hold to the orthodox view of the Christian faith continues … Read more

40 harmful effects of Christianity #17 – The Demonization of Other Religions

This entry is part 16 of 32 in the series 40 Harmful Effects of Christianity

“What do I mean then? That a thing sacrificed to idols is anything, or that an idol is anything? No, but I say that the things which the Gentiles sacrifice, they sacrifice to demons and not to God; and I do not want you to become sharers in demons. You cannot drink the cup of the Lord and the cup of … Read more