Beth Moore was welcomed ‘home’ at the National Preaching Conference earlier this week, hosted by progressive Baylor University and its liberal theology school, Truett Seminary.
Welcoming Beth home was Linda Livingstone, the president of Baylor University. Then, this monstrous regiment of women set about to butcher the Bible’s texts and go on the offensive against Dr. John MacArthur who said her name was associated in his head with the phrase, “go home” at his own conference last month.
Since MacArthur’s “Go home” comment, America’s leftist evangelicals and heretics have circled wagons around Moore, defending her as some kind of battered or abused woman. The only abuse that is regularly happening in Beth Moore’s life is that of the Bible, which she proceeded to do again at the National Preaching Conference.
Moore spoke alongside the Pelagaian, inclusivist, and Open Theist heretic, Tony Evans, and Allistair Begg, who said in emails released by Pulpit & Pen that he has concerns about Beth Moore but will promiscuously speak alongside almost anyone.
Moore danced around the stage at the National Preaching Conference with pithy one-liners like, “I got no personal agenda here. I got no axe to grind. I got Acts to teach.”
The crowd amened and applauded her trite, silly and vapid expressions and the woman peacocked around stage with her typical wild-eyed delivery and shrill voice.
Then, Moore began to talk about the Jesus she knew and “that Jesus” who was believed in by those who don’t affirm female preachers. Clearly, Moore was making feminism a gospel issue.
For those who don’t believe in female preachers and pastors, Moore said in her sermon, “I don’t know about ‘that Jesus,.’” The Jesus of those who believe in Complentarian gender roles is a fake Jesus, Moore was alleging.
Moore went on to make the same, tired argument for female clergy. She cited Joel 2 and Acts 2 regarding women prophecying (which refers (a) to actual prophecy and not ‘preaching’ and (b) was already fulfilled on the day of Pentecost according to Acts 2:16).
Moore said that the Bible does not “show women displacing men but being placed in positions of ministry along with men.” Of course, of Jesus’ 83 ecclesiastical appointments (counting the 70 witnesses and his apostolic selection), not a single one was a woman.
“‘This Jesus’ didn’t dream of wasting half the gospel witness,” Moore said, conflating “gospel witness” with preaching and pastoring. The red herring was lost on the audience as they happily chased after her errant thoughts.
Moore ended the sermon by saying that she wouldn’t go home until she died.
The scornful and rebellious woman received a positive reaction from the crowd, as her sin was on full display and her pride was on parade.