Even the secular press is well-aware that the Southern Baptist Convention’s leadership is working for the Democratic Party, trying to turn voters away from the political right. Yesterday’s article from Newsweek should stop the mouth of anyone defending Russell Moore from accusations of being a political tool of the American left.
Newsweek wrote an eye-opening piece yeseterday, entitled, The Rebel Evangelical: Dismantling the Loyalty of Christian Trump Supporters. While the article didn’t tie together Moore’s Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC) funding with money from George Soros’ Open Societies Foundation, Zack Exley’s Justice Democrats, or the Clinton Foundation’s James Riady, it did specify that Moore is working his best to keep evangelicals from voting for Trump in 2020.
The Newsweek article lists Moore’s service as an aide to Democratic U.S. Representative Gene Taylor of Mississippi during a paragraph highlighting his ‘woke’ accomplishments, including demonizing the flag of Mississippi and accusing Trump of “racism and sexism.”
The article was portrayed by Newsweek as an expose’ on an anti-Trump evangelical leader.
Moore – who has explicitly called Trump a racist – told Newsweek, “Racism is Satanism in my view, because it’s the idolatry of the flesh—and a sense of superiority and dominion over other people.”
Of course, “idolatry of the flesh” isn’t Satanism in any academic or theological sense, so Moore’s words are nonsense. Nonetheless, Newsweek and Moore went on to discuss why he was doing everything in his power to change the way evangelicals are voting.