I’m releasing Monday’s episode of the Pulpit & Pen Program early because Southern Baptists in Louisiana need to hear it before they go to church tomorrow. If you know someone in Louisiana in particular, please share it with them. Louisiana College will be appealing local churches for money, and Louisiana Baptists need to know this timely information.
Discussed in this Episode:
1. The REAL information behind Joe Aguillard’s latest press release at Louisiana College. Was Joe Aguillard really “exhonerated” by the Southern Association of Schools and Colleges? Don’t believe the lies.
2. Why did Al Mohler pledge to nominate Ronnie Floyd as the new president of the SBC? Is he selling out or was it a brilliant, calculated move to keep the Hankins-fringe out of the office?
3. A STUNNING new video of Kenneth Copeland’s meeting with the Pope to discuss uniting Catholics and Charismatics.
Episode audio is here.