Rev. Kenneth Boller of St Xavier Catholic Church in NYC led his church through a read- and response prayer that reads like BLM activists broke into to church at night and taped a manifesto to his sermon notes.
In an act reminiscent of a shepherd grabbing his sheep by the scruff and beating them for not being black enough, Boller utilizes what is normally a theologically solid segment of the liturgy and injects it with the worst excesses of wokefolk theology, flicking the congregation’s ears and yanking their wool until the sheep bleat with shame “Baaaaaaah. Blaaaaaaaack Lives Maaaaaaaater”
After all, what is at the altar but their new gods? Move over Mary, time to pray some Hail Floyds.
this is at their church the new saints
Priest: Do you support racial justice, equity, and compassion in human relations?
Church: YesPriest: Do you affirm that white privilege is unfair and harmful to those who have it and to those who do not?
Church: YesPriest: Do you affirm that white privilege and the culture of white supremacy must be dismantled wherever it is present?
Church: Yes
Whaack! Whack! Whack! That’s a Bad sheep. Say you’re a bad sheep. Apologize for your white wool. Apologize for your speckled coat. Whack! Whack!
Priest: Do you support racial justice, equity, and liberation for every person?
Church: YesPriest: Therefore, from this day forward, will you strive to understand more deeply the injustice and suffering white privilege and white supremacy cause?
Church: YesPriest: Will you commit to developing the courage to live your beliefs and values of racial justice and equality?
Church: YesPriest: Will you strive to eliminate racial prejudice from your thoughts and actions, so that you can better promote the racial justice efforts of our church.
Church: Yes
While St Xavier is not known as a beacon of fundamental faithfulness within Roman Catholic circles, it is pretty clear who and what’s being worshiped at this church.