Sam Allberry, the same-sex attracted Anglican priest who’s been heavily promoted by The Gospel Coalition and other Social Justice Warriors, officially became a contender for the worst tweet of the year when he compared the unfathomable act of Jesus veiling his glory in the incarnation in servitude to humankind, to us wearing facemasks when around others.

What the everloving…
It is a spectacularly ridiculous thing to say, and yet we can only imagine such fanciful observations would only endear him further with those partnering with him, including The Gospel Coalition (TGC) and the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC) of the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC), rather than drive them further away for this terrible hot take.
It doesn’t take much to come up with equally ridiculous propositions, which one user, @TuliusAadland, did:

Unsurprising, Allberry did not allow comments on his tweet, which is just as well, as anyone with even a passing knowledge of scripture would swiftly punish him for his wonky exegesis and idiosyncratic analogy. To riff on a comment by @wrightjeff, “The first person who wrote that “David teaches you how to face your own Goliaths” would die of embarrassment by this is.
Seriously. This is the exegetical version of ‘Scott’s Tots’ or “Dinner party.”
It’s beyond cringe. And yet it’s also what passes for wisdom from our TGC overlords. It’s coopting deep biblical truths to make a shallow, virtue-signaling point, and it’s super, duper gross, if not par for the course for these folk.