The congregation of Maryville Baptist Church in Kentucky was greeted this morning with piles of nails scattered across all the entrances to their church parking lot.
According to Sarah Ladd, a reporter for the Courier-Journal: Maryville Baptist Church The congregation of Maryville Baptist Church in Kentucky was greeted this morning with piles of nails scattered across all the entrances to their church parking lot.
According to Sarah Ladd, a reporter for the Courier-Journal:

Discovered as the first staff members and volunteers arrived to set everything up, the nails were scattered strategically across the entrances of the parking lot in order to prevent cars from entering the church, likely hoping to puncture tires.
As a result of having so many piles of nails everywhere, Pastor Jack Roberts called in help to help clean things up and prep the grounds for their Easter service, ensuring the lot was completely clean so that there were no stray nails that would cause further disruption.

The church has gotten a lot of bad press from mainstream news outlets and social media for their insistence to hold Easter services. They were singled out by Governor Beshear as one of only seven churches in his state still open who have not bowed the knee to Baal, and this act of vandalism was an act of hate likely in response to that righteous decision.
Update. This church was also visited this morning by Kentucky State Police who recorded the licence plates of everyone who attended, with the order from the governor to place the whole church into a mandatory 14-day quarantine. That story here.