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Professor Argues the Best Way to Stop Climate Change is Human Extinction

News Division

We have to stop climate change or we’ll all die. Also, we should all die in order to stop climate change.

That’s the argument of Professor Patricia MacCormack, who received her degree from Cambridge University. MacCormack is arguing in her new book, The Ahuman Manifesto, that if we want to save the Earth, we have to kill ourselves.

We kid you not.

MacCormack currently serves as a professor of continental philosophy at Anglia Ruskin University. She writes…

“I arrived at this idea from a couple of directions. I was introduced to philosophy due to my interest in feminism and queer theory, so reproductive rights have long been an interest to me – this led me to learn more about animal rights, which is when I became vegan.

So…we’re off to a good start for crazy.

She continues, “The basic premise of the book is that we’re in the age of the Anthropocene, humanity has caused mass problems and one of them is creating this hierarchal world where white, male, heterosexual and able-bodied people are succeeding, and people of different races, genders, sexualities and those with disabilities are struggling to get that.”

MacCormack also argues for the necessary dismantling of religion if humanity is going to intentionally kill itself off in mass suicide in order to save trees.

She says…

“The book also argues that we need to dismantle religion, and other overriding powers like the church of capitalism or the cult of self, as it makes people act upon enforced rules rather than respond thoughtfully to the situations in front of them.”