Many of us had great hopes for Kanye West after he briefly aligned himself with a MacArthurite pastor in California and rumored to have associated with a Reformed Baptist church near his other home in Wyoming. Although we still hold out hopes for Kanye West and are glad to see certain transformations in his life that may or may not be related to genuine regeneration, it’s certainly troubling that Kanye is increasingly associated with Word-of-Faith and New Apostolic Reformation heretics.
As Now the End Begins correctly reported, Kanye is joining up with Awaken 2020 in Arizona. That conference is a virtual smorgasbord of outright heretics including Lou Engle and Cindy Jacobs, both leaders in the New Apostolic Reformation. Also in the speaking lineup is Brian Welch who is affiliated with Bethel cult in Redding, California.

Lou Engle famously kissed the feet of the Pope’s emissary as a means of reconciliation with the apostate church of Rome.

Please pray for Kanye West that the allures of the world will not entrance him. These are the very individuals we are warned about by the Apostles, who turn the gospel into sensuality and pervert it.
And many will follow their sensuality, and because of them the way of truth will be blasphemed (2 Peter 2:2).
The Babylon Bee ran an cutting satirical article reporting that Joel Osteen had taken Kanye Osteen to the top of Lakewood Church and offered him all the kingdoms of the world. Although satire, it’s precisely what many of us feared. As Kanye professed faith in Christ, a long line of charlatans and spiritual snake-oil salesman offered him their wares. Lacking no shortage of capital, it appears as though Kanye purchased what they were selling.
Please pray for Kanye West.