Prophet Joshua Holmes has the Kung Fu Spirit. I kid you not.
Everybody has Kung Fu anointing,
The Spirit makes you fast as lightning
Although the future is a little bit frightening
(little bit frightening)
It’s the book of your life you’re not reading
(you’re not reading)
[Editor’s note: the above is presented with apologies to Carl Douglas.]
Joshua Holmes‘ female followers have started calling him “Jesus in the flesh.” If that’s not bad enough, leaked video recordings show “Prophet Holmes” engaged in sexual activity with two women who he’s not exactly married to.
Holmes, other than being called “Jesus in the flesh” (hey dummies, Jesus is already “Jesus in the flesh” which you might recall this Christmas season), he’s known for his claims of “money miracles.”
According to the CP, one woman said…
“For all you haters if you don’t know Prophet Joshua Holmes you ain’t got the Holy Spirit. That’s all I gotta say. He is changing lives every day. He is Jesus in the flesh. He is very tangible. He’s got the power of God on him.”
In the latest video, it appears that Holmes also has the Holy Ninja Anointing. Watch below.

But all things should be done decently and in order. – 1 Corinthians 14:40