Christian pastor Keith Waters suggested on Twitter that Christians should not be supportive of gay pride events as they are harmful to children and promote activities that are against the Christian faith.
“A reminder that Christians should not support or attend LGBTQ “Pride month” events held in June. They promote a culture and encourage activities that are contrary to Christian faith and morals. They are especially harmful to children.”
Almost immediately, Waters was met with online threats which has led to Waters being harassed.
According to Christian Concern, Waters has “experienced a string of threats including his wife having to answer the door to funeral directors who had been sent to arrange his ‘funeral’.”
Waters was allegedly contacted by real estate agents who had been informed that he would be moving from the area “in a hurry.” The pastor had also been “knocked off his bike by an angry local resident in a car who wanted to remonstrate with him.”
LGBT advocates contacted local police to be investigated for a hate crime and spread rumors that Waters is sexually abusing children.
Prior to the tweet, Waters’ was an Estates Manager for one of Cambridge University’s colleges, senior management reprimanded Waters for the tweet and he “was issued with a final warning for allegedly bringing the school into disrepute and breaking the code of conduct.” The pastor resigned as he felt keeping his job would mean he would be expected to go against his religious beliefs.
With support from the Christian Legal Centre, Waters is suing his former employer for “constructive dismissal.”
“Anyone who believes in freedom of religion and expression should be very concerned about my story,” Waters said. “This was an attack, not just against my Christian beliefs, but against anyone who dares to question these matters in public. The biggest concern should be that a story like mine is becoming normal.”
Waters is maintaining his original statement and claims “it was directed to Christians and it did not criticize individuals or the LGBT community, only Pride events.”
“I am determined to fight for the freedom to say that, and believe that no one should lose or be forced out of their job for holding and expressing legitimate views,” he added.
Andrea Williams, Chief Executive of the Christian Legal Centre emphasized that Christians losing their jobs due to discrimination is not only a UK issue, saying:
“This is not a local issue distinct to Ely, but a growing intolerant and threatening trend towards, not just Christians, but anyone across the country who dares to oppose Pride.”
“Celebrating sexual chaos and public immorality at gay Pride events is not good for anyone; it is not good for families or impressionable young children.”