A Southern Baptist Church in Allendale, South Carolina, has posted a job listing for a senior pastor and will accept both male and female candidates. The job listing is posted on the official SBC denominational website.
As a reminder, Albert Mohler and Danny Akin both tried to convince us in the Baptist Press only months ago that there “is no SBC liberal drift.” Most Southern Baptist leaders, including SBC President JD Greear, were maligning or making fun of John MacArthur’s blunt stance on female preachers only weeks ago. It seems that the chickens (hens, in particular) have come home to roost.
Allendale FBC is offering 45 to 55k per year for a male or female senior pastor. See the screenshot below.

The website reads:
The pastor of First Baptist Church of Allendale has as his/her first responsibility a passionate, personal relationship with Jesus Christ. The pastor’s second responsibility is to her/his family. She/he shall model a Christ-centered marriage and family life. As a shepherd to the church, the pastor will devote time to the work of the church. He/she will be responsible to the congregation through the Deacon Board. The pastor is to lead the church in developing and accomplishing its objectives.
At the time of publishing, the job listing is still on the SBC website and can be found here.
Pulpit & Pen reached out to FBC Allendale at (803) 584-2318 and spoke to church staff, “Judy.” When asked if they are open to a female lead pastor she said, “Absolutely, sir.”
The SBC website is managed by Lifeway Christian Resources and its content is overseen by the SBC Executive Committee.