Sandwich signs started going up all over New York City which say, “Keep NYC Trash Free,” but feature individuals wearing Trump’s Make America Great Again (MAGA) caps. They claim to be a part of a city-sponsored ad campaign, #NYCTrashFree.

However, sandwich signs are illegal in the nanny-city because they’re “dangerous to pedestrian traffic” and carry up to a one-thousand dollar fine for their use. This fact caused many to reconsider whether or not the signs were really put there by the city or by an official city-wide campaign by the NY Sanitation Department.

Some of the ads, like the one pictured above, has the portrait of a woman with a MAGA hat and carrying a Holy Bible. Another one has a man with a MAGA hat (left) carrying a Big Gulp drink (targeted for criminalization by NYC Mayor Bloomberg in order to combat obesity).
In reality, these ads are being placed by activists and were drawn by artist, Winston Tseng. However, since at least October 26, NYC residents and others were genuinely – and understandably – convinced this was a NYC-planned ‘pay-back’ at President Trump for recently announcing his move of residency to Florida.
Although the signs were not placed by NYC officials, the signs (and the fact they’re not being taken down by the city with any degree of hustle) are an indication of the closed-minded bigotry and exclusiveness with which liberals live their lives.
Opponents of ideological diversity, liberals target and harass those with different views and are downright nasty-hearted in the process.