“Provide space for POCs to wail, cuss, or even yell at you. Jesus didn’t hold back when he saw hypocrisy and oppression; POCs shouldn’t have to either.”
Welcome, beloved, to the latest in small group studies.
Thabiti Anyabwile is one of the most zealous defenders of Social Justice in Evangelical Christianity. He has served as an outspoken proponent of race-based reparations, going so far as to proclaim opposition to reparations for slavery is “of the devil.”
Anyabwile has sought tirelessly to hijack the pro-life movement in order to move Evangelicals away from their anti baby-slaughtering voting patterns.
Recently, Anyabwile went on the the podcast “United We Pray” to be interviewed by Isaac Adams. During the course of this conversation, Anyabwile recommended a curriculum his church used this year, “Whiteness 101,” and described this as a “Bible Study.” Which would be something like referring to a James Cone read-in as an ordinary mid-week prayer meeting.
What is Whiteness 101?
“Whiteness 101” is straight-forwardly named. It is a program designed to indoctrinate white persons within a congregation before they are fit to participate in the next level of racial programming: the “Be the Bridge” study.
Both studies are written by Latasha Morrison who describes herself as a diversity specialist and community crusader for racial diversity. Morrison was one of the speakers at the 2019 Cru19 conference, which has come under scrutiny for replacing the Biblical gospel with calls to start a social justice revolution.
“Whiteness 101” is available free online to be read in its entirety. The steps of this program, as stated within the table of contents, include: developing a white identity, acknowledging white privilege, overcoming white fragility, and recognizing white supremacy.
In his podcast interview, Anyabwile described “Whiteness 101” as a “Bible Study.” Hardly. There are two Bible verses briefly stated out of context on the first page and two Bible chapters mentioned within parenthesis. After page one, there is no Bible. Meanwhile, there are 28 hyperlinks within the 11 page study to sites that provide further indoctrination. Most of the resources linked in this study represent the most radical branches of Critical Race Theory sourced from Marxist University departments, leftist political ads and pop culture. For examples, see this, this, this, this, this, this, this, and this.
One of the resources in this “Bible Study,” a video entitled “5 Things You Should Know About Racism” is sourced from MTV news. Another is an interview with James Cone in a Jesuit Liberation Theology periodical.
Other linked articles lament the white church’s hate toward persons identifying as LGBTQ.
So, what is the particularly “Christian” part of this program? Latasha Morrison reduces all of American church history to a one-dimensional story of the oppressor and the oppressed and portrays absolutely all white Christians in U.S. history as acting in wicked unison. She describes our country as founded entirely on white supremacy, enslavement, theft, rape and torture of Native Americans and Africans-all practices she attributes to the “white church.”
To remove any question of historical complexity, Morrison states:
“Here’s what we need to wrestle with as white believers today: during each of the defining periods in American history mentioned above, whether the shift was toward racial justice, or away from it, the white church — and particularly the white evangelical church — chose the wrong side of the moral battle. Every time Christians of color cried out to us on behalf of the oppressed, we used our theology and biblical knowledge to instead defend our alliance with white supremacy and oppression. Every. Single. Time… But in every situation, the white evangelical church got it wrong at the time.”
She continues: “If we despise the #BlackLivesMatter movement now, we would have despised Dr. King and the Civil Rights movement then. If we like the idea of the “Muslim ban” now, we would have liked the idea of Japanese Internment then. If we are in favor of stricter voter ID laws now, we would have been in favor of literacy tests and poll taxes then.”
How convenient is that? In “Whiteness 101”, every past “white church” injustice finds a corollary opportunity for atonement in a Democratic political policy.
This Almost Resembles a Movement
Latasha Morrison urges her readers to activism with a sense of impending urgency:
“But if we can change ourselves, then we can change the church. And if we can change the church, we can change the nation… The patterns of history seem to suggest we are living during one of those seismic shifts around racial justice right now.”
Sadly, “Whiteness 101” training goes beyond mere indoctrination and political affiliation. It mandates an abusive form of spiritual and emotional reparations to be payed within the church to those who coddle their own bitterness. Here are examples of the group activities outlined in “Whiteness 101”:
“Do not chastise POCs (or dismiss their message) because they express their grief, fear, or anger in ways you deem “inappropriate.” Understand that historically, we white people have silenced voices of dissent and lament with our cultural idol of “niceness.” Provide space for POCs to wail, cuss, or even yell at you. Jesus didn’t hold back when he saw hypocrisy and oppression; POCs shouldn’t have to either.”
Short Bathroom Breaks Are Allowed
On the topic of “White Fragility”, Morrison cautions:
“Don’t get defensive when you are called out for any of the above. When a POC tells you that your words/tone/behavior are racist/oppressive/triggering, you stop. Don’t try to explain yourself. Don’t become passive-aggressive or sarcastic. Don’t leave in a huff. (It may be helpful, however, to inconspicuously step outside/go to the restroom and take a deep breath.) Remain cognizant of the dynamics of white fragility, and take note of how it usually shows up in you.”
Small group members yelling curse words in other believers’ faces for nothing more than being born with a certain skin shade? Comparing this wicked malice to Christ? Welcome, beloved, to the new Evangelical “Bible Study.”
Of course, this is no Bible study. This is the social justice movement appropriating Evangelical churches. Yet, true believers know this is a doomed movement with numbered days: “And I heard a loud voice in heaven saying, “Now the salvation and the power and the kingdom of our God and the authority of his Christ has come, for the accuser of our brothers has been thrown down, who accuses them day and night before our God” (Rev. 12:10).
It is hard to imagine a more devilish example of heresy, malice, and abuse being brought into the church under the lying title of “Bible study” than “Whiteness 101.” Evangelical church, how much gospel perversion will you accommodate and embrace from this malice monger, Ron Burns, who goes by his chosen black-nationalist name, Thabiti Anyabwile? How much longer will Critical Race Theory/Black Liberation Theology continue to stalk in Evangelical high places?