One of the more notable barristers in the U.K. is calling upon the Labor Party to ban eat animals, which he calls “ecocide.” The attorney claims that eating meat can be heavily taxed, and then like cigarettes, ultimately banned.
Michael Mansfield QC, has worked on extremely high-profile court cases in the UK, and will call for the crime of “ecocide” to be introduced.
Manfield delivered a speech today, beginning the Vegan Now Campaign at the Labor Party’s Conference in Brighton.
Last year at the conference, scientists claimed that raising livestock was hurting the environment and imposed a “meat tax” to curb consumer’s taste for pork and beef.
Mansfield’s speech includes lines such as, “I think when we look at the damage eating meat is doing to the planet, it is not preposterous to think that one day it will become illegal…There are plenty of things that were once commonplace that are now illegal, such as smoking inside.”
He continues…
“We know that the top 3,000 companies in the world are responsible for more than £1.5 trillion worth of damage to the environment, with meat and dairy production high on the list.
“We know that because the UN has told us so. It is time for a new law on ecocide to go alongside genocide and the other crimes against humanity.”
In reality, animal production rarely competes with crop production for available land. Irrigated or well-watered land that is prime real estate for food production is usually devoted to high-yielding and high-grossing crops, while land unsuitable for crops is usually devoted to ranching, grazing, and livestock.
All the vegetables in the world cannot make up for the calories, protein, and nutrition present in meat products, which sustain humanity. The United Nations seems opposed to whatever sustains humankind (like meat and petroleum production).
Every moving thing that lives shall be food for you (Genesis 9:3)