Marxism violently killed 94 million people in the 20th Century. More than a hundred million Marxists starved to death while Capitalist nations flourished. And yet, Marxism is making in-roads into American evangelicalism, and one of its more prominent publications, The Gospel Coalition, lamented Capitalism as being contrary to “human dignity.”
The latest pro-Marxist propaganda to come out of The Gospel Coalition, which was founded by a Marxist ideologue, Tim Keller, is an article entitled A Book on Dignity for All Has Much to Teach the Church.
The book that “has much to teach the church” is not the Gospel…but is Dignity: Seeking Respect in Back Row America by Chris Arnade. The book is lauded elsewhere as an “attack on Trump’s America.”
The book offers a look at America through the Marxist “proletariate and bourgeoisie” paradigm, except Arnade calls it “back row” and “front row” America. The back row, Arnade argues, needs to have economic renewal and the front row needs to have a spiritual renewal.
The book presents typical Trump voters as uneducated, illiterate, and poor. Arnade, who writes for the Roman Catholic First Things, suggests that the fault of that poverty is that the wealthy are just too wealthy.
Rod Dreher the “crunchy con” (economically liberal, socially conservative) writer at The American Conservative acknowledged that Arnade is supporting Elizabeth Warren in the 2020 Democratic Primary.
It only makes sense then that the Soros-and-Riady funded organization, The Gospel Coalition, would run an anti-Trump piece, lamenting the dangers of Capitalism, written by a Elizabeth Warren supporter.
The Gospel Coalition article begins as though it were a stump-speech by Elizabeth Warren herself…
It’s no secret that an increasingly large portion of wealth in the United States belongs to a small number of people. Lest we simply write that off as “part of the deal” with capitalism and a global economy, economists and sociologists express great concern that pathways to economic mobility seem to be narrowing. Americans’ chances for financial stability depend more and more on being born and raised in a certain set of circumstances.
Only one other example of the Marxism-oozing Social Justice piece should be sufficient. After acknowledging that Arnade is not a believer, TGC blog slathers praise upon his rebuke for the church in the book for not doing enough to mitigate the horrors of capitalism.
Mercy ministry can’t be reduced to a set of best practices. It requires a revolution in thinking that starts to see God’s image reflected in back-row values as much as front-row ones. The stories that fill me with hope for the church all center on repenting of mutual brokenness and entering into place and presence with a wholehearted embrace of human dignity. For every church content to serve the spiritual needs of people in the front row, for whom daily life seems to work well, there is a courageous church plant in a crumbling neighborhood, relentless in relationship while applying the gospel to painful earthly realities. For every church that wants to “fix” the poor, there is a church that wants to embrace them and walk with them through their struggles. For every church that doesn’t want to “get political,” there is a congregation willing to enter into another’s suffering, acknowledging faulty social systems that have conspired to break and shame their neighbors.