Social Justice. Racial Justice. Climate Justice. Immigration Justice. Gender Justice.
The Popularity Gospel has replaced the real Gospel in the nation’s largest Protestant denomination, and its own president doesn’t seem to understand categories of grace and justice. Neither does JD Greear seem to grasp Marxist codewords when he uses them.
Fighting a bevy of windmills, JD Greear launched a full-throttled attack on Christians who are for sex abuse, discrimination, and minority oppression.

JD Greear’s pants are a little too skinny, it seems. The Cool Kid of the SBC, a graying proto-millennial who’s trying to be hip despite his aging dad-bod, is trying embarrassingly to remain ‘relevant’ with a leftward-drifting evangelical landscape.
Greear’s latest article posted at his website is the ideological equivalent of a dad-joke. It’s a one-liner joke that’s all punch-line, as the aging swagger-hound throws out key phrases and catchwords that apparently he’s picked up somewhere in the Intelligentsia.
Greear begins…
When it comes to questions like racial justice, gender justice, and responding to abuse charges, there has often been a malaise in the church, in large part because the injustice didn’t directly affect those of us sitting in places of privilege.
Ooh. Privilege.
It’s like watching your dad try to do the Macarena to impress your friends.
What are the odds that Greear actually knows that what he just spit out was a Marxist word-salad of CRT language with a Liberation Theology topping? Is he trying to look cool or does he actually believe this garbage?
Then, Mr. Ideological Dad-Bod rips off his Tommy Bahama shirt and puts virtue-signaling on parade. Greear asks…
Where are those in the majority church today speaking up for the unique challenges faced by minorities in our culture?
Uh, everywhere. It’s basically the cool thing to do. Now, we don’t know exactly what those “unique challenges are” because nobody ever specifices or is clear, and we settle for anecdotal stories about minority plight instead of empirical evidence, but still. The church leaders speaking up for minorities are literally everywhere.
It’s a crowded room at the Social Justice Safe Space. All the coolest kids are there right now.
Where are megachurch pastors speaking up for the abused? Where have they been? We know sexual abuse disproportionately affects women. Where are the men who will speak against it and for those affected?
Who the crap is speaking up for sexual abuse? Where’s the pro-sex abuse contingent? Is there a pro-sex abuse group somewhere?
Where are the Christians lamenting and repudiating violence or any discrimination against Muslims and Jews in our country?
What is that discrimination? Please, be specific. Where is it? Who is it perpetrated by? Who is it perpetrated against? We see Jews beat up in the streets by Muslims on occasion, but who are the Muslims being mistreated?
What on Earth is Greear talking about? If you gave him five minutes to list all the discriminatory acts against Muslims in America it would be five minutes too long.
Where are the white, southern Christians speaking up for the dignity of immigrants? Immigration policy may be complicated, but Christians should agree that, as part of any policy, immigrants should be treated as men and women made in the image of God, worthy of dignity and compassion.
Greear should just come out and say what he means. He doesn’t want immigration laws to be enforced period. Any attempt to have a non-porous border or extricate criminals is to be seen as an assault on “dignity.”
Greear, like most mega-church pastors, know that Hispanics are especially religious, and they hope that by pandering to criminal immigration, they’ll fill up the pews being emptied by their dying elderly Caucasian demographic, which is rapidly secularizing.