The teen version of Vogue Magazine, Teen Vogue, is using the social media tool, Snapchat, to teach teenage girls how to acquire an abortion.
Teen Vogue published an article, How to Get An Abortion if You’re a Teen, but instead of publishing it in the magazine version where parents might see it, they sent it out through the Snapchat app, which is a privacy-heavy app that teens often use to communicate without their parents’ knowledge.
The article technically came out on the website in June as part of a Q&A column, in which Teen Vogue columnist Nona Willis Aronowitz explained to a 16-year-old how to hire an abortionist hit-man to kill her baby. Reagan Hall wrote about that article back in June, and you can find it here.
But that material was repackaged for a series of Snapchat posts that could circumvent parental filters and go straight to kids.

Notice that the right-hand column (middle photo) says, “Having access to abortion should be your right, regardless of your parent’s beliefs.”
This is a major lifestyle publishing company that is intentionally targeting your kids behind your back. Remember this, parents…if you don’t indoctrinate your kids, somebody else will.
[Editor’s Note: HT Charisma News]