Looking like an island of theological misfits, with an odd assortment of rainbow-colored stoles and women with clerical collars and butch haircuts, leftist activists pretending to be people of faith gathered outside Mitch McConnell’s office and begged to have their gun rights taken away.
Masculine clergy-women and effeminate clergy-men stood outside awkwardly in the hallway by the Senate Majority Leader’s Office and prayed against civil rights.
The Coalition of Concerned Clergy was responsible for the protest, which numbered about twenty or so from a hodgepodge of various religious traditions, all of which are on the limp-wristed left-wing of anything vaguely resembling Christianity. The interfaith group was led (oddly enough) by Rob Schenck, who serves as president of the Dietrich Bonhoeffer Institute (Bonhoeffer, once a pacifist, died after having ties to a plot to assassinate Hitler).
Schneck told the left-wing Religion News Service, “As a Christian…we are required to rescue those who are perishing, to come to their aid, and the Bible says if you fail to do it God will hold you to account.”
One would think Schneck would own a handgun so that if there were ever a mass-shooting, he could rush to the scene and help save people’s lives. But, he meant the opposite of that.
Schneck continued, “That’s our message to the senator today. Maybe he fears the NRA more than God. He shouldn’t.”
Of course, God-in-flesh, Jesus Christ, told us to own a weapon and sell our coat to buy one if necessary (Luke 22:36). But, Jesus isn’t left-wing enough for these morphodites in clerical collars.
Marrian Budde, the Episcopal Bishop of Washington D.C.—a staunch pro-abortion advocate—said that civilians shouldn’t own “weapons of war” because they could hurt people.
Budde said, “I am among those who believe weapons of war don’t belong in the hands of civilians. We’ve just been lulled into this sense of false helplessness that I find to be one of the greatest manifestations of sin that we need to fight against.”
I repeat, Budde is pro-abortion.
Of course, a semi-automatic rifle is not a “weapon of war.” However, the Second Amendment doesn’t discriminate between the types of arms Citizens may own, whether of war or not. In fact, the point of “the right of the People to keep and bear arms” was to use them for the sake of war against a tyrannical state. One should not reasonably suspect that such light-in-the-loafer “clergy members” would know the difference between an automatic and semi-automatic rifle.
Compare these coward clergy members to the Black Robe Regiment, who encouraged Citizens to pick up arms and defend themselves against their tyrannical government. The British credited the Black Robe Regiment with the American Revolution, and claim it never would have happened without them.
But, these men and mannish women are not the Black Robe Regiment. Alas, they are a rainbow-bedazzled dance troupe, signaling their virtue like a gay color guard at the front of a Queer Pride Parade.