As you can see from the photo, nobody wanted to see it. Nonetheless, a lesbian and feminist decided to strip naked in front of a tour of school-aged children for the sake of “art” in Estonia.

Literally, everyone in the room was looking away from the LGBTQXYZ+ activist named Mare Tralla, except for the boy in the NASA shirt who looked like he was just sentenced to death.
The Daily Wire reported the story earlier today. We won’t post the unedited video, which has been in the news-cycle for the last 12 hours or so. Be thankful.
The “artist” explained in the video she posted…
During the action ‘No ‘But’ Can Be Used as an Excuse for Sexism!’ artist Mare Tralla covers up paintings and drawings by well known Estonian male artist Marko Mäetamm. The paintings depict sexist imagery of women. The slogans of Tralla’s cover-up read: “‘But he did not mean it this way!’ Can Not Be Used as an Excuse for Sexism!”, “‘But he is a nice guy!” Can Not Be Used as an Excuse for Sexism!”, “‘But he smiles always!’ Can Not Be Used as an Excuse for Sexism!”, “‘But this is his humour!’ Can Not Be Used as an Excuse for Sexism!”, “‘But he loves his wife!’ Can Not Be Used as an Excuse for Sexism!”, “‘But he talks with a soft voice!’ Can Not Be Used as an Excuse for Sexism!”
Ostensibly, not wanting to see her obese naked body is sexism, so the artist demanded to show it off to adolescent boys. You know, for the sake of art and everything.
When will Western Civilization realize that homosexuality is dangerous, deviant, and predatory in nature?