Self-righteousness is repulsive, and it’s on parade over at Twitter from the accounts of evangelical Social Justice Warriors. If only they could see what we see in their ongoing, endless, self-congratulatory and virtue-signaling back-slaps, they would quit it. It’s as gross as what probably happens at Jonathan Merritt’s house on the weekends.

Obviously, we don’t have to worry about Merritt becoming carnal with a woman, but man, leave room for the Holy Spirit, you guys. Hands-check. Enough of the PDA already.
Every day it just gets nauseatingly worse. Slathering, blathering, writhing bumping-and-grinding on social media, playing Twitter-footsie with increasingly high levels of mutual praise…

And gay guys always seem to be at the center of the social media love pretzel. Sam Allberry is evangelicalism other gay bff, and he’s love-tweeted more than anybody I’ve seen in my life. He’s like a protected species.

I literally think these SJWs think, “It’s been two days since I’ve tweeted a gay guy, better go find an Allberry quote I can run up my virtue flag pole.”

So here we have the wife of Daniel Plan inventor (pssst, it didn’t work) and Purpose Driven guru, Rick Warren, praise Kyle J. Howard for defending Beth Moore. By the way, we still have a two-thousand dollar bounty on any information that the gang-aspect of Howard’s life story is real.

Mercy sakes, is this a big love scramble. What a group! Ortlund, both Moores, Allberry, and ERLC fellow, Thomas Kidd. What a pile.

It’s basically Social Justice spin-the-bottle every day on Twitter. Looking at it is gross. Each evangelical SJW is utterly convinced of their virtue and eager to signal it. And each one is seemingly more and more obtusely ignorant about the origins and implications of the ideology they’re promoting. But one thing they’re sure of…they and their SJW pals are smarter, better, and more courageous than everyone else.
We’re tired of watching the SJWs grab-hand and play social media suck-face every day. It’s unseemly. Its vomit-inducing. It’s obvious and overt and overwhelmingly nauseating. These narcissists are in love with their own image and are making out with the mirror.
[Contributed by JD Hall]