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White Women, We’re Here to Tell You it’s Time to “Smash” Your “White Fragility,” and “Dig Out That Tumor”

Cherie Vandermillen

Racial activists Regina Jackson and Saira Rao are offering white women an opportunity to “smash” their “white fragility” by hiring women of color to attend dinner with and guilt trip them for all the alleged suffering they have caused them by virtue of the color of their white skin. This über progressive program has been aptly dubbed “Race2Dinner.”

“Dear white women, you have caused immeasurable pain and damage to Brown and Black women. We are here to sit down with you to candidly explain how you caused this pain and damage,” a note from Jackson and Rao reads on the program’s website.

“We are not here to change anything. We are here to express the pain you have caused, white women. What you do after you leave the dinner is up to you. WE don’t care about your feelings. SIT WITH THAT FOR A MINUTE. Your feelings pale in comparison to the violence you have caused Black and Brown women,” the note kindly adds.

The stated “mission” of Race2Dinner is to “reveal the naked truth about RACISM in America and YOUR COMPLICITY as white women.”

Again, very welcoming language just begging for a breakthrough.

“What’s hard? Looking at yourself in the mirror and acknowledging that, as a white person in America, you are an active participant in upholding white supremacy,” the site continues, adding, “The system of oppression will remain safely in place until white people – ALL WHITE PEOPLE – are willing to acknowledge their complicity.”

“Our goal is to dig out the tumor called white privilege, power, control and reveal it for what it is, as an even more sinister and toxic form of RACISM. You are an integral part of this system. It is time for you to own that,” Race2Dinner underscores.

Continue reading here.

[Editor’s Note: This article was written by Amanda Prestigiacomo and originally published at The Dailywire. Title changed by P&P.]