Sam Allberry may be a gay Anglican priest, but he is the gay
Allberry has a very long history of normalizing Same-Sex Attraction (SSA), shows no signs of repenting of the desire for homosexuality, and is comfortable in his status as a non-heterosexual man who desires no marriage or attraction to the fairer sex in keeping with God’s creation mandate (given both in Genesis 1:28 and Genesis 8:17). Allberry shuns the Word of God that tells us that to desire a wife is to desire a good thing (Proverbs 8:22; 1 Corinthians 7).
Thanks to the work of Tom Buck, a pastor of Texas, much attention has been brought to Allberry and his promotion by Southern Baptist leaders. As Enemies within the Church has written on Buck’s contribution here as well, Buck has written four articles detailing the deeply troubling and subversive sexual ethic of this homosexual-in-the-heart pastor.
These posts include:
Living Out Part 2 – A Closer Examination
Living Out Part 3 – Unbiblical Counsel
Living Out Part 4 – A Call to Immediate Action
As our sister site, Reformation Charlotte pointed out yesterday, Living Out – Allberry’s ministry website – pulled down the more troubling ‘gay filth’ from their website just prior to the public relations Q&A moderated by Jonathan Leeman (director of 9Marx) last evening.
In the Q&A, designed to deflect from Allberry’s longstanding subversive gay theology, Allberry claimed that he either didn’t know about the pro-queer theology on his own website or that it was ‘confusing’ and therefore was taken down in good faith.
Before I get to the clip in question, on which I desire most to opine, I want to add this line about Tom Buck in regards to Jonathan Leeman.
Leeman spent the most of his time, so it seems, on the attack against Tom Buck, virtue-signaling and scolding him for a lack of “love” when it comes to critiques of Sam Allberry. I have read Tom’s articles. I have the following things to say:
- They were loving, and did not attack Allberry in any personal way, explicitly or implicitly.
- They were well-researched and well-documented.
- Since these were public statements on a public website, the critiques required no preliminary personal clarification.
- It was only proper to assume that being on Allberry’s website he was – at least at the time of their publication, in full agreement with them.
Leeman’s treatment of Buck – whether stating his name or not – was, in my opinon, deplorable. While Buck dealt with Allberry’s articles charitably and factually, Leeman used the Q&A as an opportunity to shame Buck for being a Berean.
I do not agree with all of Buck’s assessments or all of Buck’s words. To put it mildly, I am not as charitable as Tom Buck. However, Leeman’s behavior toward Buck were the opposite of charitable or kind. His statements were accusatory, sub-intellectual, and unbecoming professional pastoral courtesy.
I’ll speak on that more later.
In the meantime, this is the clip I want to focus on at the moment. Pay special attention to this Public Relations event at the 1 minute and 6 second mark.
Speaking on Reparative Therapy, which is premised upon the idea that God can change hearts and minds through the power of the Holy Spirit and Scriptural counsel, Allberry said:
“[Reparative] therapy can
unwittingly imply that heterosexual feelings and marriage are thegoal of the Christian life, that you can’t be sanctified unless you are heterosexualized…”
In the clip, Allberry says that he doesn’t believe these objections can be substantiated biblically.
This is the subversive theology of the SBC’s gay priest and puppet we must firmly resist. I wrote in the post, Heterosexuality is Godliness (which is a response to a Gospel Coalition
True sanctification will change their heart and give someone heterosexual desires, at least progressively as sanctification continues. It is absolutely, totally incorrect to argue that the Holy Spirit will not lead someone to heterosexuality or that it’s not God’s will for people to have heterosexual desire.
“Be fruitful and multiply” is God’s desire for humanity in general, and the last I checked, the male anatomy requires a certain degree of physical attraction to make that process work.
We must firmly resist the notion that God is okay with you being gay, so long as you are celibate. Jesus taught us in the Sermon on the Mount that the desires of our heart are sinful, if acted upon or not.
Those who continue to struggle with Same-Sex Attraction must acknowledge the desire is
In regards to Sam Allberry removing the article highlighted by Tom Buck and what – at least at one time was his position, I’ll leave you with James 1:8…
“A double minded man is unstable in all of his ways…”