Dwight McKissic is an African American charismatic (and leftist) preacher who – for some reason – is a Southern Baptist. McKissic regularly capitalizes on the color of his skin to obtain for himself notoriety and attention, especially through resolutions presented at the SBC’s annual convention designed to cause racial disunity and controversy. A huge fan of progressive liberal, Russell Moore, McKissic is a regular presence in the blogosphere and pushes his radical and racist agenda in Southern Baptist circles.
Few in the Southern Baptist world are willing to call McKissic what he is – a racist and race baiter who is savagely committed to socialist, liberal and Cultural Marxist ideals. We’ve written about McKissic in the post The Color of Money in the SBC: Dwight McKissic and the Economics of Race Baiting, The Salt of the Earth: A Rejoinder to Dwight McKissic and Dave Miller and Others Who Twist This Verse, Race Baiting and the ERLC: Dwight McKissic Defends Russell Moore and Demonstrates Why Eliminating the ERLC is the Best Course of Action, Is Truth Racist: A Response to Dwight McKissic, and more. Most recently, McKissic was able to get Southern Baptist leadership to shove a resolution down the throats of SBC messengers to rebuke “alt-right racism” (McKissic supported Hillary Clinton in the 2016 election), mostly by bringing media condemnation down upon his own denomination for not initially not hearing the completely unnecessary and biased resolution. It finally passed after panicked SBC leaders plead with the membership to pass the resolution after being attacked in the media for looking racist.
In short, Dwight McKissic is the SBC’s version of Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton, and he uses his own skin color – rather than the content of his character – to gain for himself notoriety and place himself in the midst of scandal. Racial disharmony is good publicity for Dwight McKissic, and he knows it. Heck, he causes it. Southern Baptist pastors, who are extra sensitive to charges of racial insensitivity, will rarely call out McKissic for what he is; a race baiter, liberal, charismatic, and a parasite on the Southern Baptist Convention.
So then, this Southern Baptist pastor, Dwight McKissic, was chosen to receive the most radically charismaniacal award in the history of mankind, the William Seymour award, named after the founder of the infamous Azusa Street Revival.
According to Charisma Mag…
Apostle Fred Berry, CEO of the Azusa Street Mission, announced that Pastor William. Dwight McKissic Sr. was the standout nominee for the prestigious William Seymour award. This award recognizes a pastor or leader in the Christian community who carries the spirit of unity like Pastor William Seymour, founder and leader of the Azusa Street Mission.
New Apostolic Reformation “apostle”, Fred Berry, announced the award for McKissic. Please keep in mind that the Azusa Street Mission was ground zero (and in many ways, still is) the First Wave of the Charismatic Movement and has morphed into the NAR-centered status quo. These are the Bill Johnson, Lou Engle, Rick Joyner type charismatics. These are the angel feathers and gold dust falling from the rafters type of charismatics. These are the slain in the spirit type charismatics. And they have just given their award to a Southern Baptist.
Other recipients of the award include TD Jakes (a non-Trinitarian), the late Miles Munroe (a Word-Faith prosperity preacher), and NAR’s Lou Engle. Good company, we suppose.
The award will be presented at the charismatic slain-in-the-spirit Azusafest in April. Here’s a video of a previous Azusafest in which Lou Engle kissed the feet of a Vatican delegate (and vice versa).
This is the event McKissic will attend to receive his award.
“Apostle Berry” says, “It is an appointed time—God has chosen this nation for this hour—our theme this year is ‘All in one accord and in one place’ (Acts 2:1). We are praying for leaders to come together in unity at Azusa Street to unlock a catalytic and synergistic wave of God’s spirit for the last day’s harvest and revival.”