Know ye not that your sins will find you out?
Unfortunately, all Christians deal with indwelling sin. We struggle and fight against sin. We pray for God’s protection and immerse ourselves in God’s Word in a desire to purify ourselves as Christ is pure.
Many Christians struggle and wish for help to fight the good fight, so they reach out to the one place that God has provided for them–the local church. That is the place where they should be safe, protected, and understood. It is the place where we expect our examples, the pastors, elders, teachers, and mentors to shine forth truth, and to guide the way to purity.
Church is also the place where truth is preached–the Gospel is heralded, disciples are equipped, and the best of ourselves is sought for to the glory of God. But even with all our loftiest ideas of church, we are fallen and broken sinners whose only claim to fame is that the great and good God of the universe condescended to make intercession and satisfaction on our behalf.
Yet even with that knowledge , quite often we become puffed up and proud and we refuse to see the warnings of impending doom and danger that is in Scripture and that come from those who love us.
Everyone is guilty of this!
As Christian brothers and polemicists, we are not immune to anger, pride, haughtiness, and unfortunately, falling into sin. Even grievous sin. That is why we try to warn others and alert ourselves to the impending dangers that can so easily beset us.
A few months ago we attempted to warn our fellow Christian brothers and sister about the potential dangers regarding so-called “Christian liberty.” That attempt to warn the sheep didn’t end well due to contentious and heated argumentation. Yet, in spite of all the heated arguments and accusations that were had, today we join with a broken-hearted family and congregation and extend our love and support.
The tragedy of divorce is not something we would ever revel in and we at Pulpit & Pen want everyone involved to know that while we might disagree on much, and we find strong reasons for our disagreements over Christian liberty, we nonetheless love the Body of Christ and will continue to pray for this unfortunate situation. We pray that God will grant a resolution that ends in repentance and reconciliation and an understanding of the necessity to flee from sin.
We pray for a young family and that most precious of covenants between a man and a woman in marriage. We pray for children who need an intact home and a loving father and mother to nurture them and raise them in the faith, in accordance with the Scriptures.
Above all, we pray for a unity of the Spirit and the bond of peace that can only be found in the hearts of Biblical Christians.
But as for you, O man of God, flee these things. Pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, steadfastness, gentleness. Fight the good fight of the faith. Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called and about which you made the good confession in the presence of many witnesses. — 1 Timothy 6:11-12
[Contributed by Pastor Justin Pierce]