“The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge; Fools despise wisdom and instruction.” Proverbs 1:17
This post is the eighteenth in a series that addresses a list of “40 harmful effects of Christianity” that originated on the American Atheists Facebook page and has since made its way around the internet. In this post, I examine the following “harmful effect” from the list
Harmful Effect #18: Children spending the period of their lives when the brain is most receptive to learning new information reading, rereading, and even memorizing religious texts.
If this “harmful effect” of Christianity were factual, one would expect to see those cultures which are historically Christian lagging behind those that are not in the areas of education and child development. This is not seen; quite the opposite is observed. During the heyday of Communist Russia, eastern bloc countries where Christianity was outlawed failed to produce the same level of innovation and economic prosperity that western nations where Christianity flourished were able to produce. Third world countries where animistic and polytheistic religions dominate are mired in poverty and produce almost no innovation. Where Christian missionaries have opened schools in such places, the educational environment has improved substantially. Islamic cultures fare somewhat better educationally than those countries which embrace polytheism; however, the education of little girls is given almost no priority. It’s hard to believe that the Christian-influenced west, where both boys and girls are given substantial opportunities to study, outpaced the rest of the world in the areas of innovation and economic prosperity while educationally retarding its own children.
Education has long been a concern of the Christian church. Sunday Schools were originally instituted by churches to teach working-class children fundamental reading, writing, and arithmetic, as well as the Bible. On the whole, the Christian church has encouraged educational pursuits and Christian schools, which teach much more than theology, are innumerable. Of course the vast success Christian educational endeavors does not negate the argument that Christian children could spend the time they take learning scripture to study other subjects. However, the case has not been made that reading the Bible is not the highest and best use of a certain portion of a child’s educational time. The atheist author(s) of this list just presupposes that the Bible is harmful.
The venerable nature of Christian wisdom literature (such as the book of Proverbs) proves otherwise. Biblical wisdom literature is replete with advice which, if followed, leads to a successful life. In addition to wisdom literature, the rest of the Bible teaches that all people are created in the image of God, are inherently valuable, and are deserving of respect. If these teachings are followed, society is a more livable place and more conducive to child development. It does little good to educate a child if he is not provided a just culture in which he can thrive and put his education to use. Christian influence has provided just that with western culture. The natural rights philosophy of John Locke, which undergirds the western idea of property rights, is grounded in Christian thought. Economist Hernando De Soto has argued that capitalist economies thrive in the west because of the formalized nature of western property systems. Economist Max Weber argued that the Protestant Ethic, especially Calvinistic Protestantism, nurtured and promoted economic development in the west.[1] Where scripture memorization is concerned, it should be noted, Calvinistic Protestants have long been proponents of the catechism of children.
Harmful Effect #18 is clearly preposterous.
In my next post in this series, I’ll address the following:
Harmful Effect #19: People who believe the world is about to end neglect their education, are not financially responsible, and in extreme cases take part in mass suicides.
[Contributed by: Seth Dunn]
*Please note that the preceding is my personal opinion. It is not necessarily the opinion of any entity by which I am employed, any church at which I am a member, any church which I attend, or the educational institution at which I am enrolled. Any copyrighted material displayed or referenced is done under the doctrine of fair use.
[1] For more on the thought of these two economists, see “Hernando Desoto and Property in a Market Economy” by D. Benjamin Barros.
- 40 harmful effects of Christianity #1 – The Discouragement of Rational Thought
- 40 harmful effects of Christianity #2 – Vilification of Homosexuality
- 40 harmful effects of Christianity #3 – Women Treated Like Second-Class Citizens
- 40 harmful effects of Christianity #4 – Children Growing Up To Hate Science
- 40 Harmful Effects of Christianity #5 – Thousands Killed as Witches
- 40 harmful effects of Christianity #6 – People Aren’t Making the Most of This Life
- 40 harmful effects of Christianity #7 – People Dying Because They Believe They Are Immune to Reality
- 40 harmful effects of Christianity #8 – People Dying Because They Don’t Accept Medical Help
- 40 harmful effects of Christianity #9 – People Beaten to Death During Exorcisms
- 40 harmful effects of Christianity #10 – Genital Mutilation of Babies
- 40 harmful effects of Christianity #11 – Psychological Conditions Blamed on Demons
- 40 harmful effects of Christianity #12 – Disowning Family Members for Leaving Their Religion
- 40 harmful effects of Christianity #13 – Friendships Severed Over Religious Differences
- 40 harmful effects of Christianity #14 – “Abstinence-only” sex education
- 40 harmful effects of Christianity #16 – Censorship
- 40 harmful effects of Christianity #17 – The Demonization of Other Religions
- 40 harmful effects of Christianity #18 – Children Memorizing Religious Texts
- 40 Harmful Effects of Christianity #19 – People Believe the World is About to End
- 40 Harmful Effects of Christianity #20 – Long-Term Environmental Issues Ignored
- 40 Harmful Effects of Christianity #21 – Wives Will Go to Hell if They Leave Their Abusive Husbands
- 40 Harmful Effects of Christianity #22 – Holy Wars
- 40 Harmful Effects of Christianity #23 – The Destruction of Great Works of Art
- 40 Harmful Effects of Christianity #24 – Slavery Condoned by Religious Texts
- 40 Harmful Effects of Christianity #25 – Children traumatized by Descriptions of Hell
- 40 Harmful Effects of Christianity #26 – Terminal Patients Would End Their Lives
- 40 Harmful Effects of Christianity #27 – Schools Have to Fight to Teach Evolution
- 40 Harmful Effects of Christianity #28 – Persecution of “Heretics”
- 40 Harmful Effects of Christianity #29 – Blue Laws
- 40 Harmful Effects of Christianity #30 – Officials Voted in Because of their Religious Beliefs
- 40 Harmful Effects of Christianity #31 – Abuse of Power by Religious Leaders
- 40 Harmful Effect of Christianity #32 – People Accepting Hallucinations as Divine
- 40 Harmful Effects of Christianity #33 – Discrimination Against Atheists