World’s most foremost expert on Word-Faith and Charismania, and fellow Worldview Weekend broadcaster, Justin Peters called out notorious faith-healer, Todd (Bam-Bam) Bentley last night.*
Bam-Bam (who got that nickname from his unique healing style, which includes hitting and kicking people) made the mistake of giving Justin the microphone. That was NOT a smart idea. After Justin gave a “prophetic word” from Matthew 7, Bam-Bam asked who was the “worker of iniquity” Justin was referring to. Justin said, “You are.” They then took the mic and Justin continued to preach until they forced him off stage.
Then, they removed him from the building and called the police on Justin and his associates (after Bam-Bam prayed that God would bless them).
Glory to God that truth might be spoken there.
 [UPDATE 6:12 MST]
I’m releasing tomorrow’s episode of the Pulpit & Pen Program early, with an interview with Justin about this. Listen here.
*Video was filmed by Michael Miller, so thanks 🙂