They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would have continued with us. But they went out, that it might become plain that they all are not of us. –1 John 2:19
This is a powerful statement to the striking truth that John writes about false converts. Scripture has much to say about apostasy and those who have come to the faith on specious grounds. Scripture teaches Christians will know one-another by their fruits, and false converts and false teachers bear bad fruit. And Beth Moore? Well…she bears bad fruit.
Beth Moore began her career as a small group women’s bible teacher and author of women’s Bible studies. According to her bio, “at the age of 18, Beth sensed God calling her to work for Him. Although she couldn’t imagine what that would mean, she made it her goal to say yes to whatever He asked.” One might ask, “how did God call her to become a famous worldwide preacher?” In light of the clear teaching of Scripture that a woman must remain silent in the churches and hold no authority over men, Moore has clearly usurped the authority of men and has created her own doctrine to follow. She now preaches to not just women, but men, who are part of the visible church, and attempts to exposit the Word of God to them.
As one who began her ministry in a Southern Baptist church, she’s now turned full-on charismatic. Scripture teaches that one of the fruits of redemption is sanctification–a work of the Holy Spirit. That is, that one is led out of moral corruption, but also theological error, not deeper into into it. Beth Moore is no stranger to theological error. Her gravest error? That God gives her visions–and these visions are contradictory to Scripture. Her visions range from being raised up in the air and watching God tear down the denominational divide between the false church of Rome and the true Church, uniting “all sectors of Christendom,” to getting a vision from God about giving money to a woman at a random bus stop. Moore regularly convenes with other false teachers in the Word of Faith movement including Christine Caine and Joyce Meyer. Simply put, Beth Moore has slid from small town small group teacher to a world-renown Pentecostal Word of Faith prosperity gospel preacher. This is clearly not the work of the Holy Spirit.
Beth Moore’s latest venture received an interesting word of acclamation from Charisma News where she was panegyrized by Lee Grady who wrote, “her message was so convicting and so saturated in the Holy Spirit that people ran to the stage even though she didn’t even invite people to the altar.” Moore was speaking at the 28th General Conference of the International Pentecostal Holiness Church, a revival gathering in Orlando, FL, which included leaders from the Assemblies of God, the Church of God, and Nigeria’s Redeemed Christian Church of God.
According to Grady, he couldn’t decide if a Southern Baptist’s call to embrace the “holy fire” of Pentecostalism was “more fascinating” than the fact that a Southern Baptist woman was preaching to men. According to the article, Moore says,
We are settling for woefully less than what Jesus promised us, I read my New Testament over and over. I’m not seeing what He promised. I’m unsettled and unsatisfied…I want holy fire!
- For he satisfies the longing soul, and the hungry soul he fills with good things. –Psalm 107:9
- The afflicted shall eat and be satisfied; those who seek him shall praise the Lord! May your hearts live forever! –Psalm 22:26
- In your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore. –Psalm 16:11
What is it that she’s not seeing that Jesus promised? Is she seriously claiming that Jesus is not delivering on what he promised? This statement is simply blasphemous. Jesus promised eternal life to those who would repent and believe in Him. Is she denying that this promise is being fulfilled? Is there something more than this that she wants? Who could make such a claim? Of course, this is one of the deceptive errors of Pentecostalism and charismaticism–that God owes us anything and that His Son Jesus is not enough.
Bad fruit!
Perhaps, in this context, one of the most notable fruits of apostasy is the simple fact that Charisma News lauds you as though you’re the greatest thing since the Azusa Street revival. Grady states,
I’ve heard a lot of excellent preaching over the years. But listening to Beth Moore was uncanny because her sermon was not about her, and it didn’t draw attention to her. There was no swagger. There was no pretense. The sweet dew of heaven rested on this woman.
I could hear the Holy Spirit speaking loud and clear through a broken vessel.
This woman blasphemes God regularly. This is not the “sweet dew of heaven,” this is the work of the enemy who uses this woman to spread rumors about God that cannot in any way be substantiated by His Word. She tells stories–lies. Everything this woman talks about is of herself. She reads herself into the Scriptures where she does not belong. She’s narcissistic, she’s Word of Faith, she condones other false teachers and she embraces the heresy of Montanism and has dived into it head first. And what does she do when the true church criticizes her false teachings? She complains and makes accusations. This is the enemy’s tactic.
Sanctify them in the truth; your word is truth. — John 17:17
Beth Moore is clearly not being sanctified in the truth of God’s Word. She is fleeing further and further from it. She twists the truth.
For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions, and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander off into myths. –2 Timothy 4:3-4
Click Here to see the numerous testimonies of people who have broken free from the bondage of Beth Moore’s false teachings.
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