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Discernment Challenge: If You See Something, Say Something

If You See Something, Say Something is a public service campaign started by the New York City Metropolitan Transportation Authority, now licensed by the Department of Homeland Security and has become popularized in use by police departments and transit officers across the country. It’s printed on posters and in radio PSAs, announced over loud speakers at … Read more

THE SBC’S Gospel Inferiority Complex

“Where there is no vision, the people perish”  Proverbs 29:18 There are two kinds of people in the Southern Baptist Convention.  This will be evident to you, if you are a Southern Baptist and if you’re paying any attention to the accelerating pace of our modern downgrade. These two groups aren’t the sheep and the … Read more

The Entertainers: The Charisma of Personality Cult Pastors

“I am the entertainer, the idol of my age; I make all kind of money, when I go on the stage.” Billy Joel, The Entertainer There is emerging and has emerged a new breed of pastor pushing a new brand of church.  Though these emerging men call themselves pastors, they are anything but shepherds.  Though … Read more

No More Discernment. Seriously.

I’m so tired. I’m tired of discernment. I’m tired of polemics. I’m tired of watching the other guys who produce material for Pulpit & Pen report on yet another obvious departure from orthodoxy. I’m tired of seeing the articles and news stories and screenshots and tweets and YouTube videos posted in the infamous Pulpit Bunker. The … Read more

Recovering the Satellites

“For this reason I left you in Crete, that you would set in order what remains and appoint elders in every city as I directed you.” Titus 1:5 I am a student at a Southern Baptist seminary that is located hundreds of miles from the city in which I reside.  Thankfully, distance learning options are … Read more

Greear: The Baptist Press Announces An “Anointing?”

Just when you think there might be a glimmer of hope in the SBC, just when we are finally nearing the end of Ronnie Floyd’s doctrinally-undiscerning domain of its presidency, the Baptist Press reports the news that multi-site, mega-church, Reformed charismatic pastor, J.D. Greear, will be seeking the helm of the convention. The announcement (Baptist … Read more

JD Greear – The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

I have to admit that when I first heard the news that JD Greear would be nominated for next SBC president by Jimmy Scroggins, my first reaction was, “well…it could be worse!” Afterall, Greear’s sermons are usually solid, he’s “reformed” (for whatever that’s worth these days), and he does have an approachable personality–and anybody would … Read more

James MacDonald and Jack Graham the Face of SBC Pastors’ Conference 2016?

The Southern Baptist Convention’s 2016 Pastors’ Conference will be held in St. Louis, MO on June 12-13. This year, the theme is a repeat from last year–a promotion of President Ronnie Floyd’s prophecy of a Great Awakening. Already announced is a plethora of dubious speakers, including James MacDonald and Jack Graham. Last year, at the … Read more

On False Teachers: Why We Insist on One Degree of Separation

What did they say when you warned them about the Kansas City Prophets and the New Apostolic Reformation and all the wicked things that happen there? What did they say when you told them about the death of Bethany Deaton and cover-up by IHOP and allegations of cult-like mind control? What did they say when … Read more

Beth Moore Goes Full-Time with TBN

Trinity Broadcasting Network, the hub of the charismatic telecommunications industry founded by the late Paul Crouch, has announced her new program to run regularly beginning January 6, 2016. Moore has already been appearing regularly on James Robison‘s program, Life Today. This is Moore’s first headlining program on TBN. Beth joins other TBN talent including Kenneth Copeland, … Read more

Top Ten Pulpit & Pen Posts of 2015, by views

This post should not be confused with the Top Ten SBC Stories of 2015. That post covered the top ten stories, in my subjective opinion, that were conveniently overlooked by the Baptist Press and the amen corner of the blogosphere. This post recalls the top ten posts at Pulpit & Pen in 2015, by views. … Read more

Apostate Church By The Glades Features Cussing Hip Hop Group, Fancy

The circus-church known as Church By The Glades in Coral Springs Florida is well known for being unorthodox, unbiblical, and outright apostate. Recently, for a sermon carnival titled More :: Move Fancy Please, a cover for hip-hop artist by the name of Iggy Azalea performed a self-indulgent carnival act of worldliness and self-promotion. This is … Read more

Stupid or Sinister? Seven Ways to Tell the Difference Between Spiritual Dullards and Deviants

“Behold, I am sending you out as sheep in the midst of wolves, so be wise as serpents and innocent as doves.” – Matthew 10:16 Rick Warren is a harmless teddy bear. He truly doesn’t understand why people have a problem with him. He’s just not the sharpest guy, but God has really used him. … Read more