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The Gospel Coalition Calls Roman Catholicism “Full-Blooded Version of Christianity”

Frankly, I don’t know why The ‘Gospel’ Coalition lets women write for their blog who don’t seem qualified to operate from behind the curtain in a children church’s puppet ministry. I assume it has something to do with their bleeding-heart, kinder, gentler, limp-wristed form of “sophisticated” Christianity that probably insists on a gender inclusion quota. … Read more

Greg Locke: American Pastor

Note: This article contains disturbing content and profane language. Reader discretion is advised.  Assertions about Greg Locke’s behavior are based upon the testimony of those interviewed. Last week, CNN featured Pastor Greg Locke and his church, Global Vision Bible Church, (GVBC) in a nationally televised segment about Donald Trump and his evangelical supporters in the … Read more

Southern Baptist Seminary Holds MLK and Malcom X “Read-In” Event

It is, according to whomever designates such things, Black History Month.  Not to be left out of the race-based observations and events taking place at secular schools, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary (SEBTS) held its fifth annual “African American Read-In.”   The event was entitled “Martin and Malcom” and was advertised as featuring “the reading of excerpts from and discussion of … Read more

Liberty University Has Michael Vick Preach on Animal Rights…Not Satire.

Michael Vick has been redeemed. At least, that’s what radical animal rights activist, Karen Swallow Prior, wants you to think. Prior is a professor at Liberty University, a research fellow for the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission, who has frequented gay film festivals, was chosen by animal rights activists to infiltrate evangelicalism since at least … Read more

Russell Moore Changes Definition of “Pro-Life,” Says It’s About Immigration, Human Trafficking

Russell Moore has been not-so-slowly and not-so quietly turning the wheel of the Southern Baptist Convention a hard-left on social issues. He claims that animal rights are a spiritual issue. Russell Moore claims that protecting illegal immigrants from prosecution or extradition is a Gospel issue. Russell Moore claims that environmentalism “creation care” is a Gospel issue.  Russell Moore says that “racial justice” … Read more

Female “Pastors” in Baptist Churches: A Debate

The debate text below is intended to help Christians think through the issue of gender and the pastorate in Baptist churches.  The text was originally submitted as a seminary assignment in a Systematic Theology class at a Southern Baptist seminary.  It is the position of Pulpit & Pen that the office of pastor in a New Testament church … Read more

Southern Baptist Seminary Grants Woman “Pastoral Ministry” Certificate

Two weeks ago, I had the joy of graduating from the New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary (NOBTS) with a Master’s of Divinity in Christian Apologetics.  Studying there for the last eight years has been a blessing.  During my time at NOBTS, I have learned a great deal about understanding, teaching, and defending the Christian faith.  … Read more

Planned With Excellence? On Missions, Money, Planned Parenthood, and the Georgia Baptist Mission Board

fun·gi·ble /ˈfənjəbəl/ Adjective LAW adjective: fungible (of goods contracted for without an individual specimen being specified) able to replace or be replaced by another identical item; mutually interchangeable. “money is fungible—money that is raised for one purpose can easily be used for another” Money is fungible. Planned Parenthood performed 320,000 abortions in 2015.  At the same time, Planned Parenthood was … Read more

Another Man’s Done Gone: David Platt and Beth Moore

David Platt is an academic prodigy.  After graduating from the University of Georgia with two bachelor’s degrees, he earned an MDiv, a ThM, and a PhD from the New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary; he completed his education in his early 20s, becoming one of the youngest students, if not the youngest student, to ever earn a terminal … Read more

David Platt Retweets Beth Moore; Probably Regrets It

David Platt is the President of the International Mission Board of the Southern Baptist Convention. He is widely regarded as being a highly intelligent, deeply passionate, seriously committed follower of Christ whose credentials as a pastor and leader are unquestionable. Indeed, David Platt seems to be one of the good guys. There are some problems … Read more

Update: Tennessee Baptists Kick Out Church with Lady Impastor

Southern Baptists have historically held that the pastorate is reserved for qualified male leadership in the church. But one Southern Baptist church is making strides into new territory. First Baptist Church of Jefferson City, TN, has named a new pastor–and her name is Ellen Di Giosia. As of this writing, the church is still listed on the Southern Baptist … Read more

Recovering our Protestant heritage: Why Baptists should honor the 500th Anniversary of the Reformation

“The loss of many Baptists to the cause of Protestantism is one reason why Rome has made such gains in the past century in the United States. It is [an] amazing…ignorance that now exists in many Independent Baptist churches and in the mainline Baptist denominations, about the Protestant Reformation…. It is only in the United … Read more