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3,568,395 Reasons Why Russell Moore Matters

The average pew-sitting Southern Baptist knows next to nothing, if anything at all, about Russell Moore. Moore, the President of the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention (ERLC) is a relatively obscure figure among rank-and-file evangelicals. He and his organization operate quietly in the background of greater evangelicalism while big-name megapastors … Read more

David Jeremiah, Charismatics, Rabbi, Anoint Donald Trump

  An odd mishmash of religious folk gathered together in a steaming pile of ecumenical syncretism to anoint Donald Trump in prayer and blessings – a guy who doesn’t know if he “has ever asked God for forgiveness.” This is a real #facepalm moment for American evangelicalism. David Jeremiah – Southern Baptist Robert Jeffress – Southern … Read more

Daily Roundup – September 16, 2015

Below are some articles I found interesting and worth a read.
Pro-gay, Pro-Abortion, Bernie Sanders Given Wild Applause at Apostate Liberty University.
Robert Jeffress Prays Special Blessing On Donald Trump
Shemitah is Over But Nothing Happened
103-year-old Georgia woman banned from her church
Convenient Christianity is not Genuine Christianity