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Kenneth Copeland’s Living Legacy of Heresy

Kenneth Copeland is 80 years old. Only the Lord knows the number of his days or where he’ll spend eternity but it’s safe to say that Copeland will be on the home stretch sometime in the next 20 or so years. In this post, we’ll evaluate the living legacy that Copeland has compiled thus far. From Flat … Read more

Church Performs "Vagina Monologues" [not satire]

An excerpt from Conservative Review… Yet another self-proclaimed Christian church in America is putting on its own version of “The Vagina Monologues” later this month. What’s that you say? You haven’t heard Plymouth Congregational Church in Portsmouth, New Hampshire is the latest to join this trend? They are kicking it into hipster mode because Pastor … Read more

Tongues: The Final Word … Got Better, Not “Lesser”

  For believers who are part of the glorious, contemporary revival of Reformed theology spreading across the globe, the pillar of sola Scriptura – Scripture Alone – is a well-known feature revived during the 16th-century Protestant Reformation.  We recognize that Scripture is THE sole rule for our Christian faith and life.  It is the infallible … Read more

Calvinists, We Need to Talk

Alright, I need to talk to the Calvinists out there. Stop with the John Piper memes for five minutes and gather ’round; it’s time for a family discussion. Like you, I came to Calvinism by the mercy and grace of God. I’m one of you. I named one of my daughters Piper. I named another of … Read more


Important disclaimer: This article will address many biblical truths, which are not conditions of justification, or assurance of salvation. The righteousness of Christ is the only grounds of justification, and assurance of salvation. Therefore, when reading this book, do not be misled into thinking that many of the biblical truths in this article (important, and … Read more

Tentacles of American Heresy: A View from South Africa

The tentacles of false doctrine are not constrained to North America.   South Africa has all too readily accepted doctrines that tickle ears. The word of faith movement, prosperity gospel, charismania, and the growing NAR have flourished in the past thirty years in this country. To give you an example of what sells here, a … Read more

There’s A Wolf In the House: 18 Signs of Apostasy

There is a danger that has come into the sheepfold; apostates have come in and they probably have always been here. However, with the prevalence of social media, their influence has spread and it is more important than ever before to recognize the marks of an apostate, a person who at one time knew and … Read more

American Vision Revisions Spurgeon as a Reconstructionist

Theonomists are spiritual orphans of the twentieth century. Without a lineage predating RJ Rushdoony and being repudiated as a factious and doctrinally troublesome by every orthodox branch of Christianity, the few clingers-on to the doctrine of civil-Judaizing have always been eager to find theonomicish people in the annals of Christian history who they can posthumously christen … Read more

Polemics Term: Cross-Heresy Addiction

Several years ago, I was employed as an addictions counselor. One of the more tragic aspects of addictions counseling is successfully weaning someone off a substance or chemical addiction, only to have them succumb to an altogether different and new addiction. In reality, the individual is still an addict, and they unfortunately just exchanged vices, … Read more

Michael Brown Issues Thumbs-Up to Joseph Prince

While Michael Brown claims to be a critic of the excesses and errors of greater charismania, trying to find a specific name who he would regard as a heretic is nearly impossible. While Brown most notably has criticized Todd Bentley, he was shown stalwart support and affirmation of Benny Hinn, Bill Johnson, the “so-called” (in … Read more

A Review of the Milk-Dispensing, Highly-Esteemed Jokers at G3

Twenty-five hundred people saved their milk money to afford travel to and attendance at the G3 Conference in Atlanta last weekend. I was one of those. Little did I know when I registered for the conference that the speaking roster would be a hodgepodge of immature, milk-dispensing, highly-esteemed jokers. Lawson, Mbewe, Washer, Johnson, White, et al; … Read more

The Hopelessness of “Contending For Miracles”

Often times we find ourselves in a dire situation that we can’t manage on our own. It may be a frantic financial situation. It may be a devastating blow to our health. It could be any number of things, but time and again we seek a divine intervention into whatever circumstances we face–a quick fix. … Read more