We don’t know why people don’t care that T.D is a Trinity denying heretic but with the number of conferences, he gets invited to apparently it mustn’t be a thing.
In this case, Promise Keepers 2020 has revealed blockbuster lineup of speakers for their 2020 virtual conference. It is headlined by Tony Evans and also features the Benham Brothers, John Gray, Bob Goff and Mark Batterson. It also features music From Michael W Smith and Phil Wickham.

Evans, you’ll recall, spoke at the 2018 Southern Baptist Pastors convention despite being a pelagian, inclusivist and partial theist.
Even with this sketchy theological history, or perhaps because of it, Evans has managed to accrue quite the impressive evangelical industry resume and garner a substantial voice within American “Christianity”, so much so that the hive of scum and villainy that is Lifeway even features his study bible and material.