Looking to blow a bunch of cash on listening to a trinity-denying heretic and his best pal talk about “leadership?” Well, you’re in luck.
Modalist T.D Jakes is hosting The 2021 International Leadership Summit (ILS), which will be a “transformative experience for those of you who are ready to become a more agile, effective leader in today’s ever-evolving climate” and “the International Leadership Summit (ILS) continues to be one of the largest, transformative leadership conferences for visionaries, entrepreneurs, intrapreneurs, and leaders around the world.”
The conference takes place in Georgia from April 28 to May 1st, and along with Jakes and Steven Furtick, will feature businessmen and women leading who are considered leaders in their industry hosting breakouts sessions such as:
- Courage to Influence
- How to Create an Effective Music, Art, and Production Strategy
- Support, Strategies and Service: The Art of Supporting Your Leader
- The Masterclass with Tyler Perry
- Lead with Courage & Character
Depending on when you book, for individual attendees, the cost to attend the conference is between $350 and $600.
If you want the “premiere experience,” which includes special entrance into the sessions, hospitality seating service, a book, as well as access to the lounge where you can watch streaming TV, have refreshments, and maybe talk with some of the speakers, that’ll cost you a cool thousand bucks.

Given that both Jakes and Furtick are both multi-millionaires who live in mansions, routinely wear shoes or shirts that cost thousands of dollars each, and are famous prosperity preachers in their own rights, this should not surprise us.