Imagine standing outside the abortion clinic for so long, day after day, that your feet literally wore down the concrete. That’s what happened to John Barros in Florida. He stood outside the Orlando Women’s Center for long enough the concrete is worn down a layer and discolored where he stands to petition women with urgent pleas not to murder their child. He has 2500 babies, which amounts to about 30 per month.

He’s been there for sixteen years, but daily for the last decade.
When women approach the building he says, “My name is John. I come down here every day because Jesus has called me to be here.” They sometimes listen.
R.C. Sproul Sr, the late pastor and theologian, said, “the very gates of hell – where the worst of all evil is present and manifest.” He referred to Barros as his “hero.” Sproul’s son had met Barros at the clinic while preaching and introduced him to Sproul, Sr. Afterward, the two developed an inviolable bond.

Barros said, “Ever since that day St. Andrews Chapel has taken on a major part of my support. Not just financially, but he and his wife prayed for me every morning. And he came to the clinic.”
Barros, speaking of Sproul, said, “He loved me. And he loved what I did. It was what he wanted to do if he could. But he had much bigger things to do.”
The sidewalk has been worn down by the impressions of his feet and crutches.

Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your toil is not in vain (1 Corinthians 15:58).