A contributor to Christianity Today, the default publication of the Evangelical Left, questioned the veracity of the Bible on the grounds that not enough black people helped translate its various English versions.
Esau McCaulley, a contributor to Christianity Today (he had a race-baiting article in the publication just today) and proponent of Black Liberation Theology and Critical Race Theory made the accusation on Sunday. McCaulley is also a contributor at a “Black Christian Collective” (group blog) called The Witness, which is run by Ligon Duncan apprentice, Jemar Tisby.
Tisby and Duncan did a break-out talk together at the Together for the Gospel in 2016, espousing Social Justice talking points on race. Duncan, whose school, Reformed Theological Seminary, is heavily funded by Clinton Global Foundation member and felonious leftist billionaire, James Riady, has helped provide the funding for Tisby’s The Witness (it began as the Reformed African American Network or RAAN), which in turn provides space for men like Esau McCaulley to question the Holy Bible and its translations on the grounds of possible racial bias.
McCaulley is a priest in the Anglican Church of North America and teaches at Ed Stetzer’s Wheaton College.
Like the serpent in his lisping tongue beneath the Tree of Knowledge, McCaulley asks the question, “Yea, and hath God’s Word really said…?”
Of course, there is no serious suggestion from any legitimate textual critic that the lack of black Hebrew and Greek scholars to contribute to the historic Bible translations somehow tainted those translations. If that is a serious accusation, anyone proficient in Hebrew, Greek, and Biblical manuscripts could easily provide alternative translative interpretations and demonstrate how they were adversely affected by the color of the original translator’s skin.
You might be wondering from where such an insanely idiotic and factually unsubstantiated attack on God’s word came from. The answer is Cultural Marxism, a subset of Marxist thought that is rooted in the Frankfurt School and later developed in the 1980s within America’s law schools and known as Critical Race Theory. That theory is now being taught at Southern Baptist seminaries, like Southern Baptist Theological Seminary and Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary. It is also being taught in places like Ligon Duncan’s RTS.
CRT, which does not only deal with race but all “oppressed” identity groups, adopted what is called Standpoint Theory from post-modern feminist philosophy. Originating in Hegelian philosophy, the Standpoint Theory was developed by Sandra Harding and Nancy Hartsock in their book “The Feminist Stand Point: Developing Ground for a Specifically Feminist Historical Materialism.” The premise of Standpoint Theory is simple: People of different identity groups have completely different (and equally valid) viewpoints on everything, stemming from different experiences. Therefore, all scholarship – unless developed by people from all viewpoints and experiences – is inherently flawed.
Critical Race Theorists, who also draw from Hegelian philosophy, have adopted this view.
Sadly, McCaulley is challenging the veracity of Biblical translations because of vain philosophy and empty deceit (Colossian 2:8).
Without any evidence whatsoever, a contributor to major Christian publications – placed there through the influence of men like Ligon Duncan – are questioning whether or not Bible translations can be trusted because a Marxist philosophy has informed him that black people for some reason would have come up with a different translation.
On what specific Scriptures or texts black translators would differ, McCaulley probably could not say. But translation really isn’t the point. The point for this subversive, Marxist, and Satanic philosophy is to get people to question the Word of God.
The Social Justice Movement is designed by the devil not only to undermine the church but to undermine the Sacred Scriptures.