Russell Moore, the former President of the ERLC and the current Editor-in-Chief of Christianity Today, is a featured speaker at the upcoming (and virtual) Gospel for Enneagram Summit in April 2023. Given his extensive theological education and experience, Moore should know better than to shill for something as wicked as the Enneagram, which is either legitimately demonic or a piece of clever charlatanry. Nevertheless he does. Russell Moore is from Big Eva and the Evangelical Industrial Complex exists, not to further the cause of Christ, but to make money off of professing Christians by tailoring products to their religion. So, I am not at all surprised to see Moore being featured at an event so egregiously unchristian and perverted as the Gospel for Enneagram Summit. I wrote my first critical article about Russell Moore on this website in 2014…and the hits just kept on coming. This is my first article, however, about Tyler Zach. Zach is the creator the “Gospel for Enneagram” brand and offers his services to “lead Enneagram trainings and conferences for churches, staff teams, schools, and businesses”. He offers for a sale a “personalized book” about the Enneagram which will help you “feel seen and hear from God”.

I know of another such book: the Bible. Zach doesn’t get a nickel when we buy a Bible, though.
Zach’s day job is pastor; he claims to be the co-founder of a church named One Hope. How sad that a man who is supposed to be in the care of souls seeks to exploit the sheep of God by selling them Enneagram services.
Ignorance is no excuse for Zach. He acknowledges that the Enneagram does not have Christian origins.
The Enneagram is definitely not Christian as some have claimed. That's why it must be transposed into a Christian key rather than swallowed whole as all truth. Just like any other cultural good we use.
— Tyler Zach | Gospel For Enneagram (@GospelForGram) March 26, 2023
It his claim that the Enneagram is a “cultural good” that can be “transposed into a Christian key” and used to better the lives of Christians (and according to his book advertisment “hear from God”). No doubt many readers of the blog will have received personal development training at their jobs which utilized Myers-Briggs and DiSC personality assessments. No doubt, many of those readers will have found that training helpful. Here’s the difference:
The creators of DiSC and Myers-Briggs to do not claim that their systems were developed by a spirit being named Metatron.
Do your research. The Enneagram has demonic New Age origins. There is no doubt about it. There is simply no turning the doctrines of demons into a “Christian Key”. The Enneagram isn’t a cultural good the church can use. It’s just plain evil…and Tyler Zach will use men like Russell Moore to sell it to you.
Russell Moore, a native of Mississippi, once said, “The cross and the Confederate flag cannot co-exist without one setting the other on fire.”. Moore will condemn a flag but he’s helping Tyler Zach sell the Enneagram to unsuspecting Christians.
Be on your guard, Christians. Men like Zach and Moore lurk about. The want your money but they can’t be trusted to care for your soul.
For more on this subject, check out this video by Jon Harris.
*Please note that the preceding is my personal opinion. It is not necessarily the opinion of any entity by which I am employed, any church at which I am a member, any church which I attend, or the educational institution at which I am enrolled. Any copyrighted material displayed or referenced is done under the doctrine of fair use.