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California Governor’s Plan Has Churches Opening LAST


[Lifesite News] California’s Democrat governor, Gavin Newsom, on Tuesday released his proposal for resuming normal life following the COVID-19 outbreak, a four-stage plan that would leave churches closed for “months.”

California is currently in Stage 1, ABC 7 reports, with the general public staying at home and all “nonessential” businesses shut down. In a few weeks, Department of Public Health director Dr. Sonia Angell says, the state can move on to Stage 2, which would reopen “lower risk workplaces” such as manufacturing, schools, child care facilities, and offices. Additional retailers would be allowed to offer curbside pickup services as well.

The second half of the plan is “months, not weeks” away, according to Angell.

Stage 3 would see the reopening of places defined as “higher risk” due to the close proximity of people inside to one another, including religious services, beauty salons, gyms, and movie theaters. Later, Stage 4 would represent a complete end to the lockdown.

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[Editor’s Note: This article was written by Calvin Freiburger and first published at Lifesite News]