Many papists are getting creative in how they dispense their sacraments in light of the social distancing that churches are implementing. One priest, in particular, has come up with a novel approach to the unholy practice.
After their Roman Catholic Archdioces announced they were shutting down public mass, Fr. Scott Holmer of St. Edward the Confessor Catholic Church decided to take action to preserve their unbiblical notion of confession by setting up a drive-through confessional booth in the Church parking lot, replete with traffic cones and lanes. In an announcement to the church he writes:
Since I cannot guarantee your physical safety by opening up the Church or the office to visitors, I have set up a “drive through confessional” and will be hearing confessions in the Church parking lot to maintain a six foot distance while penitents stay in their cars. (You may have seen this on Facebook because I just came up with this idea one hour before our usual confession time here at St. Edwards this past Saturday). I will be doing this during the period we normally have Masses here at St. Edwards.
Because seemingly he has no ability to recognize the voices of his congregants (or rather, perhaps his congregants think he won’t be able to recognize theirs) he continues:
Since the seminary is closed, I have given a seminarian, Joseph McHenry, a place to live here at St. Edwards. He will be controlling traffic for our drive through confessional. He will also tell me to put on my blindfold before you pull up to the “confessional window” if you want to go to confession anonymously.
It goes without saying that the Catholic practice of confession and penance is thoroughly unbiblical and nowhere taught in Scripture. The ability to forgive sins is God’s alone, who is is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. We don’t need a priest to act as a mediator between us, as there’s one God and one mediator between God and men- the man Christ Jesus.