The Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) has announced that a female pastor will be taking front-and-center stage at the Southern Baptist’s annual meeting. The female preacher/pastor will be speaking in a genre called Spoken Word, a word-based performance art that includes a manuscript written to be read out-loud.
Last year, Southern Baptist leaders toyed around with the idea of having Beth Moore serve as the next Southern Baptist president. In the wake of the “go home” scandal of 2019, SBC president, JD Greear, reaffirmed support for Beth Moore, who routinely preaches to men. Woke SBC token figure, Dwight McKissic, held a debate lobbying for female preachers. Meanwhile, seminary presidents Albert Mohler and Danny Akin seem intent on undoing all the work of the Conservative Resurgence and have soft-peddled female preachers and pastors behind the scenes while claiming publicly that their positions haven’t changed.
The Baptists Press, a public relations fake news source belonging to the Convention, reports that Hosanna Wong has been added to the lineup that includes other troubling speakers including Jim Cymbala, the hyper-charismatic Pentecostal pastor from Brooklyn who was caught faking testimonies in 2016.
Wong is a female pastor according to her website.

Wong was chosen as a performer at the SBC meeting by David Uth, who is a gay-affirming pastor who invited homosexuals to speak at his church in 2016 and said he wished discerning Christians would die. Uth is running the SBC pastor’s conference this year.
Wong is also a close associate of Christine Caine (center, above) of Hillsong and other female pastors associated with the Trinity Broadcasting Network.
It is time to flee the SBC and hand it over to the devil.