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Presbyterian Pastor Testifies He’s ‘Proudly Pro-Choice’ at State Capitol

Dustin Germaine

[Life News] Standing in the Kentucky Capitol on Thursday, Presbyterian pastor Rev. Wayne A. Gnatuk proudly declared his support for abortion.

Gnatuk, a retired minister from the Presbyterian Church USA, joined Planned Parenthood abortion activists for a rally to criticize two pro-life bills that could help protect unborn babies in Kentucky, according to WLKY.

“As an ordained minister, I am proudly pro-choice. I am also very proud that my denomination as a whole is pro-choice,” Gnatuk said. Along with his ministry work, he also is the chair of the pro-abortion Kentucky Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice.

Gnatuk slammed new legislation, state House Bill 142, which would prohibit agencies that promote abortions from receiving state tax dollars.

Years ago, when he ran a ministry-based social service agency that received taxpayer funds, he said he sometimes recommended abortions to people who came in for counseling. In one case, he said he helped a 13-year-old girl get an abortion.

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[Editor’s Note: This article was written by Micaiah Bilger and first published at Life News Title change by P&P]