A photo of a horribly wicked mother posting her ‘before and after’ abortion body has been making its rounds on social media. After a bit of investigation, it turns out the photo is not some kind of troll or fakery belonging to the pro-life movement. It’s real.
Pulpit & Pen saw the photo posted to the Facebook page of Tanner Cartright, a Christian from Shelbyville, Tennessee. However, the post seems to have started to trend on Reddit and is a couple years old. Nonetheless, it’s very real. Subsequent posts reveal the woman’s name and Facebook profile, which there’s no good way to release without the claim of ‘doxing.’
Here it is…

We are sorry if the pic on the left leans lascivious, but we pray the fact it’s a murderer posing with her soon-to-be-killed child it’s not a turn-on.
After several years dormant, the photo is now picking up steam again in various corners of social media. As well it should.
Mothers who kill their kids – or hire assassins to do it – are not innocent victims. They should be charged with murder, incarcerated, and executed after a lawful jury trial.