In August, Pulpit & Pen reported that ‘transgender women’ (aka men) are demanding womb-transplants from corpses in order to shove a baby in their abdomen and carry it until it has to be cut out of them. Because of the law in Great Britain granting ‘transgender’ people the same medical treatment, they are entitled to this grotesque procedure as ‘fertility treatment’ because they’re legally recognized as women. Now, a twelve-year-old boy is being groomed to receive this house-of-horrors procedure.
Ashton Lammin (who now goes by “Ashley”) is a 12-year-old boy who has begun taking puberty-blocking hormone treatment designed to radically and dangerously alter his body’s chemistry because his mother said he wanted to be a girl since age 3.
Three-year-olds, of course, have lots of dumb ideas; some think they can fly and others think they’re invisible. These dumb ideas are to be worked through and educated, not embraced. The mother should win a horrid-mom-of-the-decade award for turning her son into a monster.
The boy’s mother, Terri, says that the boy will get a womb transplant from a corpse as soon as it’s possible.
Such procedures have been successfully done for women, but so far it is unknown if there’s ever been a successful attempt with men.
Here’s how the procedure works:
The womb of a corpse is taken (organ donors have no say on how their organs are used, once permission is granted) and shoved inside a man. Surgery must be done to fit the womb inside the man’s abdomen, where one clearly does not belong (women undergoing this procedure don’t need this kind of room-making surgery).
The baby is then created in a Petri dish and then implanted in the womb. Because there is no real nutritional connection between the man and the womb and baby, the baby must be kept alive through artificial nutritional supplements.
Then the baby must be taken at the appropriate time via Caesarian Section because even if the man has had his genitalia removed and female genitalia sculpted, the genitalia is not actually functional. It looks like female genitalia, but it’s not. It’s just disfigurement that’s not in any way functional and there’s no birth canal between the womb and lower orifices.
The child, Ashton, hopes to be the first boy to “give birth” with a corpse’s womb.