We originally wrote on this travesty in the post, Trump Advisor, Paula White, Says It’s God’s Command to Support Jim Bakker. Essentially, the basic gist is that Paula White appeared on Jim Bakker’s program to help him raise the money to complete the building of a new survival supplies infomercial studio.
However, the video (excerpt via Rightwing Watch) snuck by us until it was posted by our friends at Now The End Begins.
In the clip below, Paula White promises that there is a “treasury in Heaven” that apparently you make deposits into by making withdraws in your earthly bank account and sending it to the alleged rapist and convicted felon, Jim Bakker.
The “Treasury of Heaven” is actually a Roman Catholic teaching that purports earthly deeds are deposited into a heavenly treasury (along with the merit from Mary and the Saints) that will eventually atone for your sins. It’s a denial of the doctrines of a “grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone” salvation taught by historic Christianity.
Watch below.